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  1. ASNSWR127

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    Communism (or rather the threat of it) has led to most of the things we as humans now take as sacred to our being (women in the workforce, good conditions etc etc) so to say it is "evil" is simply preposterous. The over throw of the ruling elite in all facets of life is never a bad thing. The...
  2. ASNSWR127

    which degree would best suit me?

    Do Nursing - Now the most versatile degree in the world I think! Law, Business, Marketing stuff, Nursing practice, OH&S, Consultancy, pre-hospital, Government, Defence Forces... List goes on and on, never actually have to get your hands dirty with most of that either...
  3. ASNSWR127

    James Ruse Agricultural High

    Ban all elitism in education! If you do that you ban elitism in life...
  4. ASNSWR127

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    NO Rather then immatuere tit for tat of killing someone for a crime why not rehabilitate them? They do it in sweden and they have the lowest crime rate in the world... Plus taking someones life in any circumstance (apart form euthanasia, anyone that wants to argue that pick nursing and do a...
  5. ASNSWR127

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    What a bummer! I used the anti-terror laws of Howard and co. as my supplementary texts in trial lol
  6. ASNSWR127

    which is harder: modern or ancient history

    No history is "hard" simply a challenge to find out more about the subject and thus the world. I have never 'studied' for a history exam and have got over 95 for every exam... I simply read and read and discover. Simply with the attitude that history is NEVER a competition and a "mark" but...
  7. ASNSWR127

    "Pensions should be increased"

    Here is an idea, rather than 'cash payouts' why not invest this money into public projects and works (such as good health care, free roads, free extra-curricular activities for pensioners)? It is simply logical to suggest that if everyone pays then everyone benefits. Rather thhan a petty cash...
  8. ASNSWR127

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    yuck to Turnbull. Why would anyone believe that having someone who has simply sat there and made profit by the meaningless and totally uninspiring trading of shares is worthy to govern all Australians? What a disgusting occupation and one which is totally alien to those of us who truly want to...
  9. ASNSWR127

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    How can someone vote for Mcain?? I mean we have just had 8 years of republican bumbling. we all live with the consequences. Obama '08 people! How can someone admire people like Thatcher, Mcain, Bush, Howard, Fraser, Rudd (sigh), Turnbull etc They are simply people who are hell bent on making...