we are kinda 50/50... atm but by the reports we sent in I was higher ranked... and I do more vairety of leadership roles.
I think it goes through some marking system... maybe marks against last year school rank as well as variety of leadership roles maybe... No idea
So my friend got an email this morning saying she has been rejected for GLP.... Haven't gotten an email yet... and I'm scaried i'm going to get my hopes up for nothing :/
Do you think we should find out this week... interviews end 4th of september and already got an email last week saying problem with my application and had to explain to them it was a way my school does things.
I would take it.... I know that it might add 2 years to your study but that will go quick... plus think of how much you would be saving as well as paying off your student loans... if you have any.
I know personally I would take it.