As some of those close to me know, my squat jumped from 90 to 140kgs in terms of working weight (5 reps+) in the space of about 4 weeks. Basically a 10kg increase per session. Old story is old, but eating a shitload will take you places
I've actually heard it would be wise to persist with low reps and high weight during ur cutting phase as to maintain strength and muscle mass. Cutting in a sense is taking a few steps back and is conducive to losing muscle mass. Maintaining strength supposedly helps retain muscle during your cut...
maintain ur ranks for everything except english and maths. Both need to vastly improve for you to get a 93
Agree with the above person for the ranks needed in english and maths
weren't you the one who was aiming for a 99 atar and was determined to work extremely hard from week 1?
this is funny because i forbode your burnout, last year, which you angrily denied would happen
considering most of horse racing survives with interest from the betting market, you can assume there were very little spectators apart from judges and competitors