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  1. louielouiee

    Respond- ASAP

    Mate don't use a ORT at all. The markers will think it's a bold move on your behalf and reward you even more. Keep up the good work Streetboy.
  2. louielouiee

    How does one study for final exams in Uni?

    I have the same problem. My uni doesn't release past exams either. Anywho just revise your learning objectives that they give you for the week (if you get any for that matter) and maybe ask older year groups if there are any mock exams that have been made.
  3. louielouiee

    How does one study for final exams in Uni?

    I have the same problem. My uni doesn't release past exams either. Anywho just revise your learning objectives that they give you for the week (if you get any for that matter) and maybe ask older year groups if there are any mock exams that have been made.
  4. louielouiee

    What is the future of Pharmacy?

    I have a pharmacist in my course who go his degree, worked for a bit then decided to do medicine. Basically he said it was shit. The pay is mediocre and it's apparently one of the most boring jobs in the work. Don't be sad that you missed out.
  5. louielouiee

    Does year 10 matter if you're going on to year 12?

    I an honesty nothing in year 10 helped me at all except for maybe mathematics. Year 11 also had no significance except for developing good study habits. I remember a teacher secretly telling me in year 9 that the only year that ever mattered was year 12. Boy, he was so right it's not funny.
  6. louielouiee

    Band 5 and 6 in English.

    I got a raw mark of 79.5/105 and that scaled to an exam mark of 88. My assessment mark was 92 and hence I ended up with 90. Anyway, if you get 80/105 that should equate to a 90 exam mark.
  7. louielouiee

    bill gates to speak at UNSW

    I enjoyed him telling everybody that he has almost never mowed his lawn.
  8. louielouiee

    BoSers exposed.

    I feel so exposed.
  9. louielouiee

    Effective study

  10. louielouiee

    Worried: HSC-Atar- Medicine

    Send me everything I'll make sure I mark it all. Also if you're depressed thats awesome it's the best motivation to study it really helped me throughout the HSC. You can definitely get 95+. I honestly think 95.05 is the best estimate though don't give up on your dreams baby gurl
  11. louielouiee

    Scaling Subjects

    Extension Maths Chemistry Economics Extension English Ancient History Biology ^ Order of highest to lowest scaling in my opinion
  12. louielouiee

    The ROSA

    1) Not sure. 2) Most definitely not.
  13. louielouiee

    Raw mark of 50% in General Math HSC Exam

    You know what I'll just do it for you.
  14. louielouiee

    Mathematics B - Hopless and in need of help!

    Having moved up to QLD and going through the horrible process of equating subjects for comparison between one another: Maths C = Maths Extension 1 & 2 Maths B = Mathematics Advanced Maths A = General Maths
  15. louielouiee

    Does year 10 matter if you're going on to year 12?

    In terms of developing good habits (particularly study wise), yes. In terms of every other single thing to do with year 10, absolutely not.
  16. louielouiee

    Raw mark of 50% in General Math HSC Exam

    Go find the thread on BOS about raw mark to aligned marks database.
  17. louielouiee

    Applied finance & Commerce- Professional Accounting at Macq. Uni

    I applied for that course and I think the cut off was like 88? Basically 90+ will easily secure you a spot.
  18. louielouiee

    Atar estimate please :)

    75 atar. Keep pushing mate you can definitely turn that into a 99.95 no problem just tough it out go go go.