I'm actually surprised at how similar PBL in medicine is to the differential diagnosis done in House. I smile a bit on the inside when the tutor asks "so what's the differential?" :p
You have two families? I'm lost.
But yes, if I don't fail this hell on earth (aka dental school) then I can maybe relax and win.
I will need a lawyer someday coz I heard someone say "it's not if you will get sued but when".
I'm surprised you knew that coz most people usually say "I dunno how I can stand looking into mouths all day". :)
I guess I'm too lazy to be part of the corporate and business world and succeed like you guys. :o
Wow, the accounting field is fairly complicated, glad I didn't go down that path. No offense but it's just not my cup of tea. :o
EDIT: It does sounds pretty interesting though.
Oh I see now, thanks guys.
What I still don't though is how come people are saying that Big 4 firms don't play high salaries because people just use that as experience to get higher paying jobs elsewhere. Does that mean that an inhouse accountant at a big company such as Telstra would make...
Wow, I feel kinda dumb because even with that simplified explanation, I'm still having a hard time understanding. Maybe if I come back and read it later, then it'll be a bit clearer. :(
Thanks for the explanation though. :)
I'm too too knowledgeable in this area so my question might sound really stupid but if the Big 4 is only a stepping stone to a higher paying job then doesn't that mean there are bigger companies than the big 4? I'm a big confused.
*cue chick flick moment* :p
Hey so are you in uni or still in hs? Just curious.
EDIT: At first, I thought you were one of those teachers who occasionally post on BOS. :D
Even though my chose career path isn't along these lines, I am glad that we have someone like you on the forums to explain it all. :)
Very interesting, even if I'm not gonna be an accountant. :D
I see, I apologise. I was rushing over your post because I should be studying and not procrastination so I thought we were still arguing about the same point