Would the amount of study/effort required be more in Medicine than in any other degree?
Is there still plenty of freetime for multiple outside activities?
Just curious :)
haha freak? hardly.
yea im not pleased with my procrastination abilities. they seem to be improving at an exponential rate (and yes, i just finished another 2 maths papers! haha)
lol, glad i made your day :P
man we mustve been pretty immature year 7s...
i rememebr counting to ten, whenever we got up to 6 (sechs) we would giggle. ohdear..
if she's as fluent as that, there is no reason why she shouldn't be diong italian continuers. having said that, i'm assuming she doesn't usuaally speak it at home, and there is no background speakers course, so we can't really make a judgement.
i did well enough in umat to get me an undergrad spot if i don't screw up my hsc and interview, but i might still be going for graduate med, doing combined arts/nursing at usyd as my undergrad degree :)
usually takes about a week for your results to be sent to you, but you can also check online through your teacher's ameb account if they have one.
hope it went well for you!