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  1. neo o

    New NCAP Mod: Kwayera

    I would have voted for hiphophorray, gaybasher or George W. Bush.
  2. neo o

    Self Catered - Suggestions?

    Cooking for yourself is easy, and cheap, it'll just take some getting used to. Personally, I have a few favourite things which I pre-make at the start of the week and then cook up later, so cooking dinner isn't a hassle. Lunch and breakfast generally don't take any time at all. For example, I...
  3. neo o

    legal secretary - good experience?

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *wipes away a tear* How much longer would they have had though? Surely it couldn't be more than two weeks of employment? Keeping the clerks on for another two weeks would have cost them $10,000 and wouldn't have left those guys with a black mark on their resume. Shit, I'm sure...
  4. neo o

    Rudd calls for era of "social capitalism"

    Katie, we have a 10% flat tax in Australia. It's the GST, and it would have been a thing of beauty if the Democrats didn't destroy it to make sure that cold chicken and razors were exempt. The problem with the GST is that you can't assign a tax-free threshold to it, obviously. I'd like to see...
  5. neo o

    Fenner Hall

    I've found that an exceedingly large amount of girls from Bruce and Burgmann are all hot, vegetarian, private school, doing law to save the world types. I've never been able to make up mind on whether I'm attracted to girls like that or not. They're hot, but with an irritating dash of naivety...
  6. neo o

    Anyone interested in practising law in a country town?

    I'd imagine so.
  7. neo o

    "Adoption should be legalised for homosexual couples"

    I literally spent months arguing against this in a thread from four or five years ago. However, I've come to realise that homosexuals should be allowed to experience the same misery and hardship as heterosexuals. It's only fair guys, if you want to be more like us, welcome to the club.
  8. neo o

    Do you think that a second stimulus package is needed to boost our economy?

    I made this point in the other thread. Keynes style fiscal deficits operate on one key and very bad assumption. 1. Wages are sticky and won't fall during a recession. 2. Government spending will increase inflation. 3. Real wages will fall and workers are too stupid to notice. 4...
  9. neo o

    Rudd's $42 billion 'nation building' plan

    I should add, these spending sprees are really disgusting. All the self styled, douchebag, social democrats at college are fapping off to how suddenly everyone has become a Keynsian social democrat. The silly blighters forget how a Keynes-style fiscal stimulus is supposed to work anyway: 1...
  10. neo o

    Rudd's $42 billion 'nation building' plan

    You should have still gotten paid. You were still technically "on" youth allowance even though you were working then. Are you on the independent rate? If you are, that's probably why you missed out. Only dependents were paid, because the payment was designed to buy votes amongst mortgage belt...
  11. neo o

    Anyone interested in practising law in a country town?

    She didn't give me any tips per se, we just got to talking after I found out that I had to hand some papers in early because she was going to Afghanistan. What she told me has been discussed in similar threads in these forums, basically that the army is the place to be if you want to practise...
  12. neo o


    tsk, tsk, tsk.
  13. neo o

    Anyone interested in practising law in a country town?

    I imagine it'd be difficult because you'd only gain experience in very limited areas i.e. succession and family law. Then again, considering that's generally what undergraduates in city firms deal with for their first few years, I don't think it'd hurt you if you decided to spend your time in...
  14. neo o


    Tuesday night looks quite good. I'll be able to dress up in my best Frankenfurter outfit for politics in the pub, that'll be a little weird.
  15. neo o


    Kill a Keg and bibs, so many bibs! I'll be honest, college O-weeks are universally better than ANUSA run O-weeks. Even Ursies puts on a much better show. Also, is Burgmann Toga happening this year? I didn't see it on Bruce's draft O-week schedule.
  16. neo o


    The only ANU event I ever go to is politics in the pub, and maybe big O this year. Bruce has an Eastern bloc bar night and a Scottish sports day, so I'll be around college for most of it with events like that :p
  17. neo o

    ANU BoS meet-up

    Will they make out?
  18. neo o

    Favourite Cases

  19. neo o

    Unilodge... who's in?

    Of course it wouldn't, one lemon lime and bitters is enough to make you sing like a canary!
  20. neo o

    Favourite Cases

    If you approve, contribute :p Here's a rather funny quote from the rather biased Fijian Human Rights Commission on the 2006 Fijian coup... DON'T WORRY GUYS, FREE ASSEMBLY ISN'T RESTRICTED, YOU CAN CELEBRATE THE CREATION OF OUR GLORIOUS NEW GOVERNMENT!