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  1. ari89

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    They're awesome and fun. Go away
  2. ari89

    difference between combined and double dgree?

    Double = combined. For me my degree is 5 years all up: For the business degree: 2 years are business subjects and 1 year worth of the course are electives which in my case all have to be law subjects. Here I can graduate with the business degree. Then on that there's the extra 2 years of...
  3. ari89

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    I don't see how that connects to your support of the death penalty and it being used far more often...? How exactly is education the silver bullet? There's plenty of educated my dads old accountant who got arrested for who knows what and had to do weekend detention. How can...
  4. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Nice One Mr. Rudd. do that maybe we dont want you and your racists to be here
  5. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Nice One Mr. Rudd. Wow you don't know how to argue because i'm smarter than you because I know all about China's inner thoughts so you accuse me of being a terorrist. why don't you go join china and help hurt the poor tibetans because you love them so much and hate australia
  6. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Nice One Mr. Rudd. You don't know anything, boris! Because Australia and every other Western country disagree with China's stance they are going to STOP TRADING with every country in the world. Because everyone knows it is in their best interests to cut off their major trading partners and...
  7. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Nice One Mr. Rudd. "Although Rudd speaks Chinese, his position on Tibet is different from China's." -Zhang Jie, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Quite the analysis there
  8. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics I was actually joking when I said this. I didn't think anyone was retarded enough to believe it but yeah..
  9. ari89

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    What leads you to think public schools give you better communication skills? And I'm pretty sure selective schools would put far more pressure on students than private schools...
  10. ari89

    NSW Police Force

    I like police:( they keep pedobear at bay
  11. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics Okay, so you missed the entire connection of having fallen to communism being a cause for my post and assumed it was attack against the Chinese race. Awesome... Ohhh...only the Chinese government has the...
  12. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics My cynicism is a result of the wests fear of China. We are scared of your superiority and envy your living standards...if only Australia too fell to communism...:(
  13. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics And death to the Falun Gong! Long live the victory of Mao Zedong thought!
  14. ari89

    Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama?

    Obama (as well as Hillary and McCain) are puppets of the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) which is a puppet of the illuminati...idiot
  15. ari89

    salaries for vets

    I know vets have a relatively low graduate starting salary but I always thought it got better with time. I'd expect them to make a lot for the amount we've paid in vet bills
  16. ari89

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    Why? why did my post asking why get deleted?
  17. ari89

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics lolchina If pollution ruins a river, we will build a new river if pollution destroys a mountain we will build a new mountain lol
  18. ari89

    best interest rates for savings accounts

    7.15% variable. Full access to $ as a savings account and not a term deposit. Best imo
  19. ari89

    Commerce or Economics
