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  1. S

    International and Global Studies vs Commerce @ USYD

    Everyone I know who was enrolled in that course has already switch to something else.
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    Maths/University/Software Engineer dilemma

    They usually start off with some very basic set theory we're you'll eventually bump into complex numbers (easiest topic in 4U, completely doable with 2U knowledge) and after that it'll just start off from where you left 2U maths in high-school. As for physics, HSC mathematics would be more...
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    Maths/University/Software Engineer dilemma

    Most of the stuff they cover for "3U" bridging courses is 2U a-lot of the times. For normal first year mathematics a solid grounding in 2U maths is sufficient. Most of the times the lecturers and tutors will go over the 3U stuff before teaching new stuff that assumes 3U maths. Be wary however...
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    Maths/University/Software Engineer dilemma

    If you like things being 'trival' then boy you sure are gonna enjoy engineering.
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    What University Would You Recommend For This Course?

    From what I've heard, MQ actually has the better course quality wise whilst the course at UNSW is known for the prestigious factor. There also seem to equally competitive entry-wise with the MQ cutoff being 96 and UNSW cutoff being 97.
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    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Quizzes, assignments and work training begin next week. The fun begins.
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    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Tempted to sleep in the quad for vinnies, has anyone done this before?
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    Equilbrium Graphs URGENT

    well fk lol in that case then yeah they might ask you to graph it. It's basically like 2U maths were you predict curves for rates of change but you also have to take into account Le Chatelier's principle.
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    Projectile Motion MC

    20m=\frac{{V^2_0}sin^2\theta}{2g} 20m=\frac{{V^2_0}}{2(1.6ms^{-2})} V_0=\sqrt{20m*2(1.6ms^{-2})}=8ms^{-1} Either the answers are off or there was a typo.
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    Urgent help: maths (quadratics) in programming

    Do you know what the test cases are?
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    Can i get 75 or above preferably 80? also help on insearch and UTS?

    You should still try your best regardless. Also if you go to UWS and do civil, get good marks you can transfer to UTS and even get credit transfers for the units you have completed.
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    Can i get 75 or above preferably 80? also help on insearch and UTS?

    School rank needed, Have you considered EAS? On a side note, looks like you're going to have some trouble with engineering especially with your math ranks. Even with EAS, the maximum amount of bonus points you can get is 10 (assuming you got over band 5 for maths, physics, and chemistry). No...
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    Year 12 Jackets 2016 - Any name ideas?

    Number |e^{i\pi}| Or \sqrt{-1} like \sum \pi
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    Is it possible for me to get a 99+ ATAR?

    Yes, especially if you perform well in your HSC.
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    10 units but 6 subjects!

    No benefits. Since your ATAR is calculated from your top 10 units, all six of your subjects will be counted towards regardless of how well well you perform in them.
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    help with simple q
