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  1. Drdusk

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    \text{a)} \sin x \leq 1 \Rightarrow e^{\sin x} \leq e \therefore I \leq e \int_{0}^{\pi/2}dx = \dfrac{\pi e}{2} \text{Now}\hspace{2mm}e^{\sin x} \geq 1 + \sin x \therefore I \geq x - \cos x \bigg|_{0}^{\pi/2} = \dfrac{\pi}{2} + 1 \therefore \dfrac{\pi}{2} + 1 \leq I \leq \dfrac{\pi e}{2}
  2. Drdusk

    #welcome #general-chat

    If you pick up 4u maths really Eng Adv, MX2, Phys, Chem are like the standard combination of subjects for a lot of students in Selective schools. Of course you would want to drop 2 subjects if you pick up 4u maths leaving you on 10 units, so it's not really that bad. I know a lot of people that...
  3. Drdusk

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    I got this one, it's quite a standard one especially compared to all the other ones.
  4. Drdusk

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    My first question \text{Find}\hspace{2mm}\int_{-\pi/2}^{\pi/2}\dfrac{\cos x}{e^{1/x} + 1}\hspace{1mm}dx
  5. Drdusk

    A 2020 View of Fermat's Last Theorem

    "You are the enemy of the people.."
  6. Drdusk

    Needing advice for Uni courses

    Well I assume your Chem Major helps you achieve the goal of being a cosmetist, so I suggest picking a minor in something else that you like that maybe isn't directly related to becoming a cosmetist but can still provide some knowledge and skills that you could possibly use. Imo maybe look into...
  7. Drdusk


    Hell yeah I do
  8. Drdusk

    A 2020 View of Fermat's Last Theorem

    Ah yes I remember Andrew Wiles talking about how the Taniyama conjecture was sort of a 'bridge' to Fermats last theorem. I think the real question is Did Fermat actually have a way to prove it?, because according to Mathematicians the math to prove Fermat's Last theorem didn't exist when Fermat...
  9. Drdusk

    ATAR Estimate! From Year 11 marks

    Mid 80s maybe. Although it’s pretty useless to predict off year 11 marks.
  10. Drdusk


    Well this is what I can think of as of now - Database software - OS software - Projector maybe?
  11. Drdusk

    dr du 3u entrance test

    I would say probably trig and probability would be addressed too.
  12. Drdusk

    PIP Questionnaires 2020

    Do you have a PIP? I'll complete it if you want.
  13. Drdusk

    USYD Commerce vs UNSW Commerce?

    Unsw commerce is considered better although really by a negligible amount. I would recommend finding which unis structure for the course better suits you as different unis tend to have some slight variations in courses, or which uni you like better etc etc.
  14. Drdusk

    Rote learning in Maths

    But it's so weird right. If you look at the top students and even some of the top students I've met at Unsw for 4u maths say the same thing when I ask them how did you get out question 16, which is "I've done similar questions before." Is this a form of rote learning by just hammering out hard...
  15. Drdusk

    HSC/Prelim Discussion Thread for The Class of 2021

    Hi there! Welcome There is a thread for the class of 2021 already that serves this purpose =) Feel free to ask any questions.
  16. Drdusk

    Selective schools debate

    True this is what I thought too but it would be good to see how much the average Asian student actually rote learns. I mean for something like Maths how do you even rote learn anyway? You just do problem after problem and I would say this probably does build creativity. All the worlds creative...
  17. Drdusk

    Selective schools debate

    This is what I've always thought but I have a question that I've always wanted to ask. So everyone always says that Asian countries focus on rote learning and I do agree but then how does China most of the time end up topping the International Olympiads? Like the Olympiads are everything but...
  18. Drdusk

    2021 Uni This has the cutoff dates for early entry and what not. Alternatively I'm pretty sure careers advisers put out notices of when to apply for early offers.
  19. Drdusk

    Selective schools debate

    Of course hardly anyone gets that low but there will be at least one or two people with an Atar in the 70's. In other top selective schools there are usually a few people with atars in the 70s as said in their published reports so Ruse probably has like one or two..
  20. Drdusk

    Selective schools debate

    Agreed but in general people end up dropping sports. I know a lot of people from a lot of different schools who got high atars yet I don't know a single one who kept doing sports in year 12.