Search results

  1. S

    About you

  2. S

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    That would've been first at our school, without me doing the paper.
  3. S

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    Need early sleep, hence won't be up at midnight if timetable comes out then.
  4. S

    What should I do after I finish school?

    :shy:;) Why does it hurt to laugh? =( Also, I'm doing that question atm
  5. S

    How was your school day?

    Bludge upon bludge upon bludge. Except for Cosmo notes, but that's a different story.
  6. S

    What should I do after I finish school?

    :wave: Gotta work on the hot and the working at maccas bit, but otherwise: ;):p
  7. S

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    2am - 8am ftw.
  8. S

    half yearly study timetable

    I've done it for a while now.
  9. S

    Procrastination. THe Worst offenders.

    I didn't visit. Maybe I'm not such a hardcore procrastinator after all.
  10. S

    2007 Jerseys

    Apparently this week, although I still haven't paid fully for mine.
  11. S

    Marks = ...?

    Oh we will ;) But I'm not :uhhuh:
  12. S

    What marks are you seeking to achieve in 2007?

    Doing 0 hours of study doesn't really help anyway :)
  13. S

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    Oh, you'll be fine, I'm pretty sure you're going to get those 1sts quite soon :uhhuh: I'm glad we're not competing for the same course, but even so I'm not going to get near the 99.95+ range.
  14. S

    Weekend Progress

    Hehe, raisin toast is nice :uhhuh:
  15. S

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    I don't see any real reason why you can't get 99.95+ :uhhuh:
  16. S

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    10 multiple choice, 1 5 mark short answer question, then a 15 mark and 20 mark extended responses, in my case anyway.
  17. S

    Weekend Progress

    Never seems to get carried out, that work :( I like talking to you on msn as well =)
  18. S

    What marks are you seeking to achieve in 2007?

    :uhhuh: Not that I have experienced normal amounts of study, but yeah, there's such a thing.