Search results

  1. OzKo

    Tax file number?

    I was in the same situation you are in when I enrolled. You can apply for HECS-HELP as per normal but you need to give the Student Centre your TFN before the census date.
  2. OzKo

    New laws to combat alcohol fuelled violence - Will they be effective or not?

    A lot of these attacks seem to be spur of the moment things. A police presence could possibly help but it wouldn't be preventative. It would only improve response time imo. In terms of harsher punishments, I'm on the fence. On one side, they seem to disregard the law already and seem to be...
  3. OzKo

    New laws to combat alcohol fuelled violence - Will they be effective or not?

    My point is that there isn't really much the government can actually do to get to the root of the problem so they have to be seen doing something. Pretty much all feasible solutions have a downside in respect to reducing the violence so it's a zero sum game. I haven't seen a reasonable solution...
  4. OzKo

    How was your enrolment day?

    Usually takes no more than one hour.
  5. OzKo

    How many slices of pizza can you eat in one sitting?

    Large pizzas - 8-10 slices pretty much every time.
  6. OzKo

    Enrolment Planner help

    You can pick 2XXX or even 3XXX provided that you meet the pre-requisites for the unit.
  7. OzKo

    New laws to combat alcohol fuelled violence - Will they be effective or not?

    Tbf, I think the government know the real reason but the media has been slating him for not doing anything when in reality, there's not much any government could do unless they know how to instigate a massive cultural shift regarding recreational alcohol consumption. It's a lose-lose situation.
  8. OzKo

    Enrolment Planner help

    Would recommend figuring out how many free spots are available before deciding on doing random units.
  9. OzKo

    Enrolment Planner help

    I interpret to mean that you pick a 1XXX unit which is run by the Business School which is ALSO a pre-requisite for any of the MGMT units.
  10. OzKo

    Enrolment Planner help

    So from what I can see, you have selected the first year units for a Fin. Eco. major. You can either select units to start on your Management major or you can do higher level Fin. Eco. units
  11. OzKo

    Enrolment Planner help

    Have you read the handbook entry for B. Economics?
  12. OzKo

    Human biology vs concepts in biology?

    Greg Sword was probably my favourite lecturer when I did BIOL1001 but I think he moved to Texas in 2010. Jan Marc gets an honorable mention for his funny voice.
  13. OzKo

    New laws to combat alcohol fuelled violence - Will they be effective or not?

    Probably just means people will start drinking earlier.
  14. OzKo

    First Year Law Student, No Legal Studies

    In addition to this, if you are intelligent enough to make it into Law in the first place, you shouldn't have to worry about "falling behind". You just need to be motivated enough.
  15. OzKo

    Choosing Electives?

    If you want to do an elective, you have to: a) Make sure you meet all the prerequisites b) Have enough space to cater for them (in other words, you need to figure how many elective spaces you have)
  16. OzKo

    Using a different Maths textbook?

    If you want to work ahead, then ask your teacher or subject coordinator what the lesson plan will be for the year. If they think you're capable enough, I'm sure they would share.
  17. OzKo

    Choosing Electives?

    Well my recommendation would be to complete as many junior level units in first year. So what you want to do for the Government & Intl Studies major is to pick two 1XXX units and 6 2XXX/3XXX (where you have to complete at least 1 3XXX)...
  18. OzKo

    Using a different Maths textbook?

    You don't have to go through a textbook from beginning to end.
  19. OzKo

    Choosing Electives?

    Which two majors are you looking to complete?
  20. OzKo

    Pictures of aesthetically pleasing cars

    Too garish