Besides, there's no reason to remove a preference for something you want to do.
If you don't get in, then you'll get offered something else. If you do get in, then great.
The reputation of each faculty and their industry links are negligible considering that you will only get a job on the basis of yourself as a capable candidate, rather than riding off your university. If you want to be a student which firms want to hire, in every case, the onus is on yourself to...
Loads of students don't already have a natural inclination to a particular field before they start uni. That's why you're going to university in the first place.
As long as you have the drive to learn, then there's no reason why you cannot succeed.
Keep into account that removing a selective stream from a high school will only serve to make other selective schools better as they become more desirable. There isn't a loss in the quality of education unless a school's culture (disregarding the actual student body) is playing a significant effect.
Would recommend a book as it's more flexible compared to a laptop (think equations; graphs; etc.). A laptop would be a good tool if you're looking to do assignments and/or study in the library (or anywhere else on campus).
Personally I wouldn't recommend a Macbook Air on the basis of cost. I...
The job market for lawyers is incredibly tough but your understanding of science is a big plus as well.
If you're interested in environmental policy, I would hazard to guess that you would have a killer combo as is.