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  1. S

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    in my opinion. if u legislate weed, notihng much will change, more people might try it , not like it and not smoke it again. Regular weed smokers will continue smoking weed. the only things that will change is that the dealers who sell weed will find it harder to compete with the shops , unless...
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    Hurricane Katrina

    fuk i hope all those religious fanatics get their disasters , kills them all and we have sane people left who dont believe in this bullshit. yes saho thats you.
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    mp4 / m4a conversion to mp3

    get update of player, or better player (winamp) and problem solved
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    mp4 / m4a conversion to mp3

    isnt mp4 better anyway .
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    Dave Chappelle Show

    whos seem his two stand up acts. they are great. His comidic strength is race and he makes it funny how he talks about the differences
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    Dave Chappelle Show

    "america gave you niggas money"
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    peep my new poster

    whos the guy lower center , with a hat and cheeks full
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    Kanye West on NBC: "George Bush doesn't care about Black People!"

    mike meyers looks funny in the pic. just staring at kanye
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    Hurricane Katrina

    every time i read your post i think that its just a troll posting. its so riduculous and wtihout any logic that its hard not to laugh
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    Hurricane Katrina

    so the tsunami that killed 200, 000 was also due to a few indian homos having a good time?
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    Hurricane Katrina

    cehck out this video police looting after the hurricane. hehehe
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    Hurricane Katrina

    everythign seems to be in place , the boats even. if u look at the difference after the tsunami last year, u can tell the difference cuase u cant see anytihng
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    Hurricane Katrina

    its just the qulity , hue and saturation of colour on the photographs taht difers. look at the ocean, completely differnt colours. even though same watrer
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    Hurricane Katrina

    not that different
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    peep my new poster

    they're black
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    blackalicious' new album

    i uploaded a pic of mairah carey, and i got about 30 people who propped me. and got an extra 1000 street cred :)
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    MTV Music Awards

    u cant compare gwen to r kelly.
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    MTV Music Awards

    lol where did u get the update on this? boxden? speking of lil john whos seen the dave chappelle skit of him at the doctors ..funny shit
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    blackalicious' new album

    hurry up and psot stuff in there so u can porst stuff in other section, so prop counts so u get propped and can get into jukebox. and then someday milehigh
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    blackalicious' new album

    so whos this blackalicious, i never heard of him. is he in the new album section? ill give him a go