hey bitch , how owuld u feel if u tried to hug a guy when saying hello and he grabs yuor arms and pushes it away? ahhh yes yuor dumb hussy u would feel bad, so stfu
doing it infront of all these people, while he is just showing company is snobby. itsd not like he is drunk and trying to pick her up . ffs shut up you dirty mole,
i use to not know him , now he is my favourite artist.
i got the trapped in the closet video. i tihnk its one long 25 minute video , so all chapters are in one
for soem reason that eac started burnign my CDs into .wav format even though i click mp3.grrr first time i burnt a Cd using that program it worked fine
yeh doesnt look great.
its gonna have a cliche plot
50 trying to make it , encounters probs , becomes famous, when the climax accurs and he resolves it and will be famous after that without worries.