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  1. F

    Quick question

    dont make it formal. if youre going to make it formal then write a journal.
  2. F


    LMAO, yeah i did :| i over think things.. :@
  3. F


    i figured it out peopleee :| for a) you multiply the 4 aces by the 2 kings by the 3 jacks to give you all possible outcomes. b) 10 X 10 X 10 = 1000, which gives total outcomes. we know from a that the outcomes for the ace king and jack will be 24 so 24 over 1000 = 6/125. just stressed for...
  4. F

    What's everyone planning to accomplish these holidays?!

    catching up on all those hours of sleep :\
  5. F


    LMAO! but i actually am! Gambling is pathetic, but this question is just UNBELIEVABLE! could you try? LOL
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    This question is absolutely crappy. I can not do it :| And I have a test on Monday. BOSers, you are my only hope. Please help me out! a) A poker machine with 3 wheels has 4 aces on the first wheel, 2 kings on the second and 3 Jacks on the third. In how many ways can the machine stop to show Ace...
  7. F

    Trigonometry help?

    Thanks guys, i was hoping for a few tips when it comes to reading the question , thats pretty much all i wanted but ThankYou :)
  8. F

    Bad English Teaching!!!!

    LOL, my school has 38 KIDS IN ONE ROOM! FAR OUT LOL!
  9. F

    Trigonometry help?

    Peace be with you. So trigonometry and me aren't exactly friends. I have extreme difficulty drawing diagrams, and interpreting questions, it is so bad, that i can barely do any of the questions in my textbook. I'm fine with the basics but when the wording of the question gets hard I just can...
  10. F

    Need help with a trig question??

    Thankyouu soo much!! Repped you! :D I actually get it now! :D
  11. F

    Need help with a trig question??

    Thanks a lot
  12. F

    Need help with a trig question??

    appreciate ur help though, but i dont get @Realisenothing's method.
  13. F

    Need help with a trig question??

    The answers say 686m, could they be wrong?? :S Ive been trying to get the answer for a few hrs now. feelingg hopeless
  14. F

    Need help with a trig question??

    i feel so silly i uploaded the wrong qn, can u please do this one, thanks and sorryy
  15. F

    Need help with a trig question??

    Q 17 please?
  16. F

    :D :) Salams

    :D :) Salams
  17. F

    Geometry help PLEASE! Have a test tomoroww! :(

    LOL! i know! :D Shimmy, Shimmy, Shimmy :P :D hamdellah it didnt come in the test, but i sort of get it now.. :P
  18. F

    Geometry help PLEASE! Have a test tomoroww! :(

    thanks for the much needed help & advice, will be sure to take it on board [:
  19. F

    What is the difference between biology in context, second and third edition?

    not only a syllabus change, but also errors & mistakes may have been corrected. Newer editions are always better :)
  20. F

    Geometry help PLEASE! Have a test tomoroww! :(

    Thanks you guys! You have all helped me heaps :) I suck at geometry, I don't have an eye for these things... :[ Thank you! Owe you all some reps :P