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  1. R

    Macq social life

    haha wow... I always pictured lecturers at university to not really mind small conversation in their class. Like a more 'adult' environment, different from school. From what you say, this Westcott guy seems scary. Like as if I'm back in primary school were we can't even talk...
  2. R

    Macq social life

    Guess what I coincidentally found out like literally just now.... I actually know of a 'noisy, obnonxious' acquaintance of mine...who's practically doing some of my classes.... Oh, and he's not one of 'those' people I'll miss....:L Plus he's the following type as you said Asylum. Omg save...
  3. R

    Macq social life

    LOL :P
  4. R

    Is this a good timetable?

    That's what I plan to do with some of my lectures that are late too. lol
  5. R

    Where are the Religous education courses I can study whilst at uni studying online?

    Re: Where are the Religous education courses I can study whilst at uni studying onlin Eligibility Apply directly to Australian Catholic University. Prerequisites: Nil How to Apply Apply via Direct Application below. But is a certificate what you want, or do you want a degree?
  6. R

    Where are the Religous education courses I can study whilst at uni studying online?

    Re: Where are the Religous education courses I can study whilst at uni studying onlin Yeah that's what I saw too :/ But I 'think' you can do say a certificate in theology: This is only...
  7. R

    Buying text books !

    Oh yes another ID registration? I have now a few collection of passwords just for Macquarie university alone...haha
  8. R


    From what I hear, visual ilectures are available, but it just depends on if the lecturer wants to be videotaped? Thus it varies...
  9. R

    Where are the Religous education courses I can study whilst at uni studying online?

    Re: Where are the Religous education courses I can study whilst at uni studying onlin Hey! Have you considered Australian Catholic University? I'm not quite sure if this is what you're asking, but I hope it helps somehow! :)
  10. R

    Arts & Human Sciences Subject Review Thread

    Is LAW115 a prerequisite for LAW109? I never knew that until my enrolment day...which resulted in me changing my WHOLE timetable around. Plus I find it weird how its difficulty is 'moderate' as opposed to LAW109 which is done later and is classed 'easy'. But yeah :)
  11. R

    LAW551 - Professional and Community Engagement

    Out of curiousity, do ALL law students have to do PLT? What if I don't really want to pursue my career towards my law degree but say towards my commerce degree? And do we get a certificate for PLT?
  12. R

    Race/facility demographics

    Yeah, like just going to enrolment day and looking through MQs website, there is a very large asian influence and focus.
  13. R

    Is this a good timetable?

    That is a good timetable! But for me it wouldn't be good because I can't afford to commute at night :L Plus thursday is rather packed.. But I guess the 2 days off compensates for it! :)
  14. R

    Macq social life

    Exactly! But one thing I must point out, even just through enrollement day, I kind of miss 'those type of people'. You know, kind of noisy, obnoxious at times- sort of people. Sometimes I even want to be singled out as the 'nerd' as opposed to being with a bunch of them, cause deep inside I...
  15. R

    Macq social life

    Oh yeah...most likely that will be me too. Seeing as I hope NO ONE with seriously, no one. haha So its a new start, fresh opportunity I guess. :)
  16. R

    From MACQ arts to MACQ commerce

    I'm not quite sure, but i found this on the Macquarie website: I hope this helps somehow :)
  17. R

    Race/facility demographics

    Omg, I'm sorry :P I was only supposed to send it once, but the first time I didn't see it send. So i sent it again lol... Oh yeah I get your point. But I don't know...saying something as obvious as 'You don't need to be an international student to be asian'. LOL... But seriously, just ignore...
  18. R

    Race/facility demographics

    I'm sorry I was just trying to help. Just because I put 'international student' information, doesn't mean that they're NOT going to be part of your classes. Plus, the link I put shows people of certain ethnicities, in fact it is a list of people from different countries and generally what...
  19. R

    Race/facility demographics

    Um, I know that. I never said once otherwise. I in fact am asian and not an international student. Macquarie only gives information on the general courses international students choose. I was just trying to help. Of course students don't have real statistics on yeah :L
  20. R

    Macq social life

    Out of curiousity, are your friends in uni close with you, or not as close to you than your high school friends?