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  1. want2beasenior

    Senior uniforms

    Our school over the past 2 years has gotten a new uniform so next year the whole school will be in the same uniform instead of some old some new. Atm us junior girls are stuck in the old 'tablecloth' tunics (literally it looks like something you would have a picnic lunch on) :uhoh: But...
  2. want2beasenior

    English trials.

    I think that was my half yearly paper (we have half yearlies, trial SC and SC).... if it was it was really really long and time consuming to read!
  3. want2beasenior

    Keeping Maths Notes

    I've kept my books from year 7 till now and they're coming in handy for SC practice so if that is any indication for senior years then yeah i would be keeping them
  4. want2beasenior

    SC Trial results

    Woah that sucks you guys have trials first week back: that means that once you sit the test and get your marks back, you'll only have a few weeks to go over the stuff you don't know for the actual SC. I don't know whether the trials for my school actually mean anything, but I think yearly...
  5. want2beasenior

    No Maths! No Science for yr 11 2009!

    Some of us enjoy essay writing. I think this forum has emphasised how everyone has different strengths and weaknesses- some of us enjoy the 'waffle subjects' and others enjoy the 'objective' subjects which bore others to death.
  6. want2beasenior

    No Maths! No Science for yr 11 2009!

    yeah thats true ^
  7. want2beasenior

    No Maths! No Science for yr 11 2009!

    are you serious? The uni course i want to do, does not need any type of maths or science
  8. want2beasenior

    No Maths! No Science for yr 11 2009!

    Who's pumped to not be doing any kind of maths of science?
  9. want2beasenior

    cant find them

    If you look up in the main yr 10 sc forum you'll see "Important: Standards packages".. this is what you mean?
  10. want2beasenior

    SC Trial results

    Anyone got theirs back yet? If so, how did you go? Regrets? Thoughts? Frustration? Elation?
  11. want2beasenior

    Did You Make It To Selective Schools?

  12. want2beasenior

    English trials.

    Haha Yes! that was funny and quite random... How did you guys interperet the short story extended response?
  13. want2beasenior

    deteriorating books

    The cover always falls off and then it goes all feral, but in english + history, writing fast = no chance of neatness
  14. want2beasenior

    English trials.

    I thought ours were made up by the school, but obviously in English they weren't and in Maths today they recycled some old SC papers (i suspect they may do the same for science like last time)
  15. want2beasenior

    Maths? 2 Unit/ General?

    No Maths of any sort at all!
  16. want2beasenior

    English trials.

    Yes! It had a golden compass advertisement first...
  17. want2beasenior

    sc maths help

    We were told that we can't actually like study for maths as such with note making etc: the only way you can revise is by doing past papers. the content isn't hard but its the layout and the wording which screws people because what you actually learn in class doesn't really help you for school...
  18. want2beasenior


    how do you guys get organised? do you use folders or lined paper or binder books? what do you guys find is the best method of studying? post what works for you
  19. want2beasenior

    Essay Structure: Remember your SEXY paragraphs!

    Re: Remember your SEXY paragraphs! SEXY??? I learned STEEL and for me, it is the easiest and the most fool-proof method: Statement State the question/notion with which you are answering Technique Then demonstrate knowledge of a technique in given text which supports this (eg. narrative voice...
  20. want2beasenior

    how long does it take you to write an essay?

    I can write 4 A4 pages, supported with one/two quotes per paragraph/point in 50 minutes maximum. To prepare for exam essays i just memorised quotes which could be applied to a few different thematic concerns (that's where our class lost out: they had no textual evidence to support their essay)...