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  1. ZeeZee3

    The legality of torrenting...

    I dont know if torrenting is bad cause of copyright issues or if its good for saving a few dollars but if they dont like torrenting, they should really make an effort to close down these sites, its almost like theyre asking you to torrent to get caught for copyright infringement and get fined so...
  2. ZeeZee3

    ATAR estimation please!

    I would probably say around 93-95 ATAR. English is pulling her down alot. 1 unit of eco probably not count.
  3. ZeeZee3


    Hi and Welcome!
  4. ZeeZee3

    selective school interview!!

    I passed mine when I was year 8. Here's a useful tip, if your nervous, you wont be accepted. Answer in a very natural way. Sometimes they ask for your activities after school. Make it sound believable. I said I would come home, get a snack, take 30-45 min to finish homework, then watch 15 min...
  5. ZeeZee3

    Yea i was changing subjects....shes starting to get angry cause everyone is changing.

    Yea i was changing subjects....shes starting to get angry cause everyone is changing.
  6. ZeeZee3

    Lol thanks, you shoulda seen the yr 12s from 2010, thats what you call pro.

    Lol thanks, you shoulda seen the yr 12s from 2010, thats what you call pro.
  7. ZeeZee3


    The only reason I like maths is that it has nothing to do with essay writing.
  8. ZeeZee3


    Whats wrong with maths?
  9. ZeeZee3

    How often do hsc students who do 10 units get an ATAR of over 99?

    Im in a very bad position with my subjects right now. Since too little people chose music, i was forced to do distance education because i didnt like the other subjects. However, distance education allows only a maximum of 11 units (which is really annoying) so im forced to drop a subject even...
  10. ZeeZee3

    Who's ready for Year 11?!

    I think its exclusively to our school, its a board endorsed course. Other schools dont have it.
  11. ZeeZee3

    Who's ready for Year 11?!

    I agree, photography isnt really useful, people choose it to waste time. Im also thinking of switching psychology (1 unit) for extension english.
  12. ZeeZee3

    Fav and Least Fav Subject at this point in?

    I havent started preliminary HSC yet, but I know for a fact that my worst is always will be English advanced, and my favourite should be either 3 unit maths or ancient history.
  13. ZeeZee3

    Who's ready for Year 11?!

    I've got this, year 11 COME AT ME!!
  14. ZeeZee3

    How hard is it to get a Band 6?

    Just average in 90+ for all assessments and exams and external and you can guarantee yourself a band 6. In other words, 4< hours of study each day.
  15. ZeeZee3


    By the looks of your marks, having 3 band 6's should get you above 90 ATAR, especially with extension 1 & 2 maths. I think ESL English screwed you up cause its compulsory to count it into your ATAR along with your band 4. Bad luck there.
  16. ZeeZee3

    over 90?

  17. ZeeZee3

    Dux of your school

    Really? Who is he? Is he asian? I didnt expect a guy to get 99.9, was expecting highest to be 99.7 ish
  18. ZeeZee3

    This forum seems to be dead?

    Google -> hsc statistics
  19. ZeeZee3

    myafanatic's raw marks

    Wow, awesome marks and very consistent.
  20. ZeeZee3

    Fees on public select schools........

    I think Sydney Boys is around $1000 for school fees. All that are in your list should have similar school fee amounts.