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  1. ebbygoo

    'Exam Choice' Physics Prelim Yearly Paper

    Bump- anyone know where to buy them?
  2. ebbygoo

    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

    Jokes aside, lets discuss how not-specific the grandfather clock question was.
  3. ebbygoo

    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

  4. ebbygoo

    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

    Distance with direction (i.e moving to the origin) IS displacement.
  5. ebbygoo

    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

    Further then that, it said the shaded VALUE. A value is a NUMBER. The value was negative. You can't have a negative distance. And the 'after 2 seconds' thing, makes sense for displacement, as it is a measure from the origin. Therefore, after 2 seconds, how far is it from the origin.
  6. ebbygoo

    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

    Is it y>1/2 or y>=1/2???
  7. ebbygoo

    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

    Hate to ruin people's days further, but Wagig pointed it out to me that the second 12hrs would be the next day... and so the sum would be 2x(that thing) - 12. Made the same mistake :L
  8. ebbygoo

    Probability Questions

  9. ebbygoo

    2012 Maths Paper Problem :L

    Thanks I get part b now :) Ill look at c again soon.
  10. ebbygoo

    2012 Maths Paper Problem :L

    I got the rest of b, just used the equation. I just can't see how you get the coordinates of T. And then yeah no idea on c. Tried finding point of intersection, but don't get why it would be useful.
  11. ebbygoo

    2012 Maths Paper Problem :L

    Hey guys. Just studying for trials, and was doing the 2012 Mathematics Paper. All was going well, getting all the answers right and then BAMN. I get to Q16. Part b- i and c I don't get them at all :L I looked at the sample answers, and they dont help either. For example, in part b, how the...
  12. ebbygoo

    Eco question- help required :L

    yes sir!
  13. ebbygoo

    Eco question- help required :L

    yes sir
  14. ebbygoo

    Eco question- help required :L

    ^^^^ Lol jks. Now the real stress begins. 1800 words in 52 minutes. 34 wpm. Seems legit.
  15. ebbygoo

    Post your subject regrets

    Yeah you really should have- you would've got 2nd to me. Lol.
  16. ebbygoo

    Eco question- help required :L

    Hey guys. I have an eco assessment coming up and the question is about analysing the effects of several factors such as productivity on the labour market. When I do this, I find that my paragraphs always end up the same way; that is, "blah blah blah, increasing supply, blah blah, higher growth...
  17. ebbygoo

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Yep... Haven't started the eco prepared in class essay next monday or english speech next wednesday... Figured out I have tomorrow, Thursday to write speech for english, and then weekend for eco. Gunna be a busy week. Spent holidays studying for 2U trial cause #yolo
  18. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    I'm so depressed I didn't get tickets. I was on at the exact starting time every release and didn't get any :''(