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  1. P

    Topic Sentences

    can you guys here please list some of your topic sentences .... im a bit stuck and cant think of others apart from community acceptance and alienation any help would be muuuuucccchhhh appriciated
  2. P

    In the Folk Museum HELP!!!

    please has anyone got really extensive notes on this poem.... like techniques and shit.... anything like every single technqiue.... PLEASE HELP!!!
  3. P

    Animal Farm

    thanks yer i saw the other post after i posted this one thanks anything really technical or indepth or thorough
  4. P

    Animal Farm

    what are some techniques that show belonging in Animal Farm please!!!!!!!
  5. P

    How does Islam determine the aspirations and behaviours of individuals

    please help me on how Islam as well as atheism determines the aspirations + behaviours of individuals
  6. P

    Science Fiction texts?

    i think im picking Fahrenheit 451 --- does anyone have notes about it or anything helpful for science fiction
  7. P

    Science Fiction texts?

    are we allowed to choose Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep because it is supposed to be the same as Blade Runner therefore we wouldnt be allowedus to do it because it is on the syllabus but is it different
  8. P

    Last Line of your Major Work?

    "Dulce et Decorum est patria mori" It is sweet and honourable to die for one's country