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  1. funkshen


    some of them might be, but it seems to be me the majority are protesting the social prescriptions of gender roles. it is important to recognise the historical oppression of women for the simple fact that it has not ended, and it continues to be informed by the history of oppression...
  2. funkshen


    feminism isn't about treating people as individuals whose gender is unimportant. if modern feminism is "about" anything at all it is, at the very least, about recognising the socially constitutive role of gender divisions. gender is, therefore, supremely important. also, no one - no feminist -...
  3. funkshen


    if you but glance at the pictures, you will realise that 1) they are written in present tense 2) they all refer to present subject. historical guilt is a total red herring. a number of the people in the pictures make reasonable statements. some don't.
  4. funkshen

    2013 Federal election

    I'm voting Liberal Democratic because I love freedom.
  5. funkshen


    yeah fuck anyone - male, female, or transgender - who recognises that, since the beginning of history and most assuredly before, women, who make up roughly half the population, have been systemically and routinely oppressed, excluded, so on and so forth.
  6. funkshen


  7. funkshen

    Join Young Lib or Lab?

    The Democratic Labor Party are economically 'progressive' and socially conservative, and are severely underrepresented in the youth politics scene.
  8. funkshen

    Mayor insists that NSB + NSG should become partially selective schools?

    no, the geniuses who populate the north shore's most prized and accomplished selective schools should not have to tolerate the mutants and degenerates of the broader public school system.
  9. funkshen

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    from the uyghur peasants who threaten the territorial integrity and disrupt the infinite harmony of the glorious kingdom of heaven
  10. funkshen

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    they already are, god bless them
  11. funkshen

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    soon enough muslims will have native title first mabo, then muhammad
  12. funkshen

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    that's an excellent summary.
  13. funkshen

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    i would appreciate that
  14. funkshen

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    can you give me the short and skinny of it mate?
  15. funkshen

    2013 Federal election

    of course comrade abbott has no plans of implementing anything related to work choices.
  16. funkshen

    2013 Federal election

    how about abbotts-jugend?
  17. funkshen

    2013 Federal election

    tony abbott's nationalsozialistiche australier arbeiterpartei okashi your liberal crocodile tears are delicious
  18. funkshen

    2013 Federal election

    are you daft boy?