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  1. alex.leon

    A Satire.

    I think satirical writing can endear itself to a marker if it presents a level of wit and intelligence that is exponentially above teenage 'standards of humour'. I would definitely agree with your teacher about reading 'the classics'. I've said it before, peripheral reading is such an important...
  2. alex.leon

    so HOW much research??

    A Year 11 asked me this the other day over facebook. This question is unanswerable. You shouldn't think of research as a revenue to meet. Any research, whatever it is, will ultimately strengthen your work- you don't need 'impressive research' such as complex psychoanalytical theories etc- that...
  3. alex.leon

    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    Re: Why you guys hate asians so much?? Because it reaffirms not only the racism that underlies western ignorance, but shows that the Australian image promotes cultural conformism. The fact that an outsider perceives that we 'hate Asians' and wants to know why, is a sad reflection on us and...
  4. alex.leon

    english extension 2

    Discoverence Definition | Definition of Discoverence at
  5. alex.leon

    How can I make my holiday more productive?

    Productive? But... it's a holiday?!
  6. alex.leon

    Which is better?

    I am tending towards disagreeing with the whole 'Gap year perpetuates loss of study habits', as I can only see people who are unambitious and lacking direction to go down this road. I think it all depends on the underlying intention in having the gap year. If you just want a year off to relax...
  7. alex.leon

    english extension 2

    Discovery? You're doing Ext 2? This is not a good sign.
  8. alex.leon

    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    Re: Why you guys hate asians so much?? This made me really sad :(
  9. alex.leon


    I bet this will be the interview. We had a very similar assessment, and this was the video: YouTube - Tim Winton in conversation with Martin Flanagan, May 08
  10. alex.leon

    Stuk between 2 ideas..

    I don't like the idea of a teenage protagonist. Just putting it out there. First idea is a lot better, also provides you with a wealth of primary evidence from the media. The idea of a paranoid and fearful society has already been explored extensively in literature (usually with a more...
  11. alex.leon

    Romanticsm - Related Texts

    I would say this is the way to go, to be safe. However, there's no indication that using a related text outside the period is a bad thing to do (after all, one of the prescribed texts is a postmodern novel..!). Nevertheless, a text from within the period would exhibit a more comprehensive...
  12. alex.leon

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Not into politics, but I was unlucky enough to attend school with one of Tony Abbott's daughters, Francis. This is what happened when I met her... Francis: Hi, you must be Alex. I'm Francis. Me: Oh, hi! Francis: Francis Abbott. *silence* Francis: My dad's Tony Abbott. Me: *silence* Francis...
  13. alex.leon

    Question for the boys ...

    It's like how you say you'd paper bag chicks with bad faces. But you can't paper bag chicks who are fat. Unless you paper bag their whole body with only one hol-... Maybe I'm onto something...
  14. alex.leon

    I have my Journal-to-be. Now what?

    It's highly unlikely that the external markers will ever look at your journal anyway... I literally vomited out anything I had in my mind that was to do with ext 2. At the beginning it was notes from books, photocopies, bits of writing i liked, words, pictures, brainstorms, mind maps...
  15. alex.leon

    11 units vs 13 units?

    Both duxes at my school - 11 and 10 units respectively. 10 units is the way to go, in my opinion. To me it seems quite obvious. Why would you do extra subjects that will not eventually count for you ATAR?!
  16. alex.leon

    dunno. just crazy hahaha. i have alot of respect for people who can keep on top of that amount...

    dunno. just crazy hahaha. i have alot of respect for people who can keep on top of that amount of work. i could never do it myself!
  17. alex.leon

    glanced at your subject selection. you're fucking crazy.

    glanced at your subject selection. you're fucking crazy.
  18. alex.leon

    ATAR guessing Game

    I want >90, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I will get mid 80s. I have this expectation because I got dux, but I really couldn't give a shit. i don't need a fantastic ATAR anyway, it's more for the internal kudos, ha.
  19. alex.leon

    Art Express nomination forms.

    I think that's a nomination! Congrats!
  20. alex.leon

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    I wont stop checking until I get my mark. I'm just paranoid someone will post and say 'your major was the biggest crock of shit' then I would run around fretting.