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  1. mreditor16

    Question for any one who wants to have a go :D

    used simultaneous equations a) is essentially asking "find A" b) is essentially asking "find A + B" is a) 2? used simultaneous equations (three of them), but could you confirm the answer. EDIT - no I'm doubting my answer lol, got 173.529..... etc for b) anyway, my excuse is I did it in a...
  2. mreditor16

    BOSTES 4U conspiracy??

    dw lol, I honestly ceebs getting into an argument over it, the day before hsc 4u. prefer to go in with a confident, unphased mindset into the actual exam :) instead of being annoyed by lingering doubts regarding a Q from a past paper and a discussion on BOS about its potential dodginess .
  3. mreditor16

    "Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet"

    good q. :/ anyone got an answer? FizzyCyst? You have been summoned! :D
  4. mreditor16

    can confirm that 2nd place was a baulko. :lol: was surprised myself :O

    can confirm that 2nd place was a baulko. :lol: was surprised myself :O
  5. mreditor16

    BOSTES 4U conspiracy??

    RN and FA16, that wasn't the dodgy part. dw about it guys. :)
  6. mreditor16

    Modern History HSC Exam 2014 - How was it?

    Hi, Please direct your thoughts to here --> :D
  7. mreditor16

    Economics study?...

    I bow down to you - I really do. The first person I've seen in a while who approaches economic revision in what I see as the most preferable and desirable manner. Especially especially the bolded parts :) good luck to you mate. and good luck to everyone :)
  8. mreditor16

    "Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet"

    that's the main reason why they want it done in pen.
  9. mreditor16

    Economics raw mark

    stay confident mate. hsc marking for economics is nowhere near as harsh compared to the sciences.
  10. mreditor16

    "Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet"

    that's what my teacher highly recommended :)
  11. mreditor16

    Hertz' experiment: AC or DC power source?

  12. mreditor16

    "Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet"

    Especially if you have made any constructions or new points. Sometimes, if they ask you to copy/trace it, it is a hint that a construction may be required. That's something I have observed with trial papers...
  13. mreditor16

    "Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet"

    From what I've heard, they dock one mark for not following it. However, if you got zero in that while Q which links to the diagram, you lose no marks. But I haven't had this confirmed. So don't trust me 100% on it.
  14. mreditor16

    Hertz' experiment: AC or DC power source?

    yeh that's something that has annoyed me as well. also emilios and others, I have an associated Q - how did hertz know that the oscillation of the current was the frequency of the radio waves? because different waves on the EM spectrum would have been emitted - thus, of different frequencies...
  15. mreditor16

    BOSTES 4U conspiracy??

    I'm loving MC :D are you kidding me? Q16 c) is flawed and so dodgy :/ but a) and b) were straightforward :)
  16. mreditor16

    3u in 2u?

    because people generally learn 3U projectile motion after learning topic 1 - space. so they tend to use the most recently learnt method (since they can remember it better), which will have been practiced more probably. so that's why....
  17. mreditor16

    BOSTES 4U conspiracy??

    are you kidding me? 2013 was piss-easy compared to 2011 and 2012. A 2013 state-ranker in 4U (the one who and I both know...) told one of his students (one of my friends) that when attempting the 2012 paper for revision, he pretty much got little of 2012 Q16 out. 2012 Q16 was a doozy - a real...