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  1. Tulipa

    Proposition 8.

    That's what was stated in May when it was legalised: From: I'd say it sounds more like a revision than an amendment but it's semantics in the end. So is the whole only hetero's can marry thing though :p
  2. Tulipa

    Proposition 8.

    The current legal challenge is: That might be an interesting legal battle to watch. Ditto for the 18,000 gay couples who married when it was legal.
  3. Tulipa

    Proposition 8.

    Florida requires at least 60% and even though the ballot to ban gay marriage there passed, it's not a bad idea.
  4. Tulipa

    Proposition 8. BUT And now, from :( Sorry to get your hopes up.
  5. Tulipa

    Proposition 8.

    One thing - California has around 1.5 million absentee ballots to count before the 2nd of December. If they get more than 500,000 ballots counted that say No on Prop. 8 it won't get passed.
  6. Tulipa

    Proposition 8.

    It's odd how these measures can be passed: Washington Initiative 1000: Allow Doctor-Assisted Suicide Michigan Proposition 1: Allow Medical Marijuana Michigan Proposition 2: Allow Stem Cell Research These defeated: Colorado Amendment 48: Human Life from Moment of Conception South Dakota...
  7. Tulipa

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    yay for Obama :) On a :( note, it looks like Florida and Arizona are going to ban gay marriage.
  8. Tulipa

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    Dear God woman why are you watching Fox? CNN is much better. has Obama up in Virginia but it's at a 51/49 split.
  9. Tulipa

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    If Obama wins Florida along with his wins in Ohio and Pennslyvania and doesn't win the election, I will eat my shirt.
  10. Tulipa

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    Yup. Right now with 66% counted, the "Yes" vote has 62%. It's close but it's been consistently hovering around 55-65 all day.
  11. Tulipa

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    Now that Obama looks poised to win I'm much more calm. And seriously annoyed with some of the ballot measures. It looks like Florida is going to ban gay marriage. Fuckers.
  12. Tulipa

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    Don't even go there. *shudder* I'm also following the state ballot measures. Those are going to get interesting.
  13. Tulipa

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain HE CAN FLY. Because sometimes this thread just needs a funny not supplied by Sarah Palin.
  14. Tulipa

    Has anyone here gone to an Ivy League University?

    Not sure. I met her when we did the SATs together. She was an Australian citizen though.
  15. Tulipa

    Has anyone here gone to an Ivy League University?

    Eh, one year at a state university instead :p
  16. Tulipa

    Has anyone here gone to an Ivy League University?

    The HSC is a shit system that is outdated and doesn't encourage actual learning. On the other hand I get two degrees with a triple major for the cost of one year of university in the States.
  17. Tulipa

    Has anyone here gone to an Ivy League University?

    Well duh. That's why I stayed here :)