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  1. Casmira

    How and where did you meet your GF/BF??!!??

    your parents sound like my parents :uhhuh:
  2. Casmira


    Yeh I got a thursday with just 1 1 hour lecture on :( I had to do QMA next semester cause im doing maths skill program (learning 2u)
  3. Casmira

    team unsw!

    Oh yeh, totally learnt that shit in general maths
  4. Casmira

    Quick enrolment q

    Means two of your classes are on at the same time. You can tell which ones are because if you go before you view timetable as tabular format it lists your times chosen, there should be 2 red rows, just fix up either of one and ensure theyre not on at the same time
  5. Casmira

    Internet Access at UNSW here's a direct link, you can have a 30 day trial to see how speed/coverage goes anyway.
  6. Casmira

    General maths -> 2u maths?

    Yep I've already enrolled, im not going to do QMA first semester, i'll do it next semester and do Gen ED probably advanced greek something like that where I can thrash it and do it over summer or winter holidays. You gotta have done at least 48 units to do a gen ed course I am still going to do...
  7. Casmira

    General maths -> 2u maths?

    Well anyone else curious about the MSP I got some info from the email, my email: Hi. I'd like some further infromation on the Mathematics skills program. I did the General mathematics subject for my HSC however my offer recieved ( BCommerce/BEconomics ) requires Mathematics as prequisit. When...
  8. Casmira

    Post your timetable!

    my concetration dies after about 2-2.5 hours straight :P
  9. Casmira

    General maths -> 2u maths?

    i got 92 what are you worried about you already got a private tutor!
  10. Casmira

    Weird things that have happened at your work!!

    you've mentioned a few times that people reckon you look slavic
  11. Casmira

    UNSW Chemistry Bridging Course...

    Probably on BOS, why not look for used ones?
  12. Casmira

    Post your timetable!

    Well i had to change my timetable and delay qma to learn 2u maths, it totally sucks now:
  13. Casmira

    over the credit limit

    I think you are, but that if you are CSP you have to pay full fee fo rany extra time because some sort of "HECS" limit. Thats all I remeber from todays lecture at the mathews theatre (A) sorry :p
  14. Casmira

    General maths -> 2u maths?

    1 month is enough? is tutoring cheaper in group? does unsw offer classes? easier learning it with someone else to bounce ideas off? many things making me panic :uhhuh:
  15. Casmira

    General maths -> 2u maths?

    We could either learn it off someone chloe, attend pre-uni starting classes or both try and figure out. What'd you get in general!?
  16. Casmira

    team unsw!

    before anyone takes offence to my posts: i was being satirical
  17. Casmira

    team unsw!

    she's mine too! go away!!
  18. Casmira

    team unsw!

    for me: - blonde - past 95 uai - doing a legible course (ie. not a hairdresser) ftw! :p we dont know which blonde she was though! there was one sat near me that was good
  19. Casmira

    General maths -> 2u maths?

    I read on the website something about a mathematics skills program (MSP) UNSW offers to help students like me get upto speed with 2u maths. However, its ran same time as my degree is, so how will I learn 2u maths at same time while doing 2u maths-based uni subject? Anyone got more info on this?
  20. Casmira

    Commerce @ UNSW

    some pretty shit acturial jokes in that mathew building, hey?