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  1. Tulipa

    Describe your dream job/career?

    Fiction editor with one of the big four publishing companies in either Chicago or NYC. That or Poet Laureate. That'd be pretty epic.
  2. Tulipa

    What's the most difficult book you've ever read (or tried to)? (Lacan, Joyce, etc)

    Re: What's the most difficult book you've ever read (or tried to)? (Lacan, Joyce, etc I actually really enjoyed reading that. Once I got into it, it was one of those books I couldn't put down. Kafka has always bugged me. I can appreciate him but it takes me forever to finish his works and...
  3. Tulipa

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: Apparently raising the drinking age to 21 is on the cards So we should also raise the age of voting too? If you can't drink then you sure as fuck shouldn't be classed as being able to make an educated decision in terms of voting. The age limit doesn't matter and I totally agree with...
  4. Tulipa

    Best unis in Australia

    University in the States is very expensive and they don't have a scheme like HECS. Instead they have financial aid or student loans. Both of which carry interest. On the other hand a lot of kids attend public high schools which are, like here, free for the most part. So it's kind of a trade off.
  5. Tulipa

    Best unis in Australia

    Have you heard of M.I.T? That's the well known name for Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  6. Tulipa

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: Message on a bottle for binge drinkers Yes because those gross smoking pictures totally deter smokers. In a not kind of way. Idiots.
  7. Tulipa

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: Rudd sets aside $53-million to tackle binge drinking The ads will be laughable, just like the drugs ads they did a little while ago. It's a waste of money becuase it's simply a band-aid on a much larger issue that they're skirting around. Australian drinking culture is the problem, not...
  8. Tulipa

    Does anyone write poetry?

    Couple questions - why the capitals? They aren't really consistent and you've got so many they don't work as emphasis. Also, a lot of the simple images you're using are quite cliched, i.e. 'beauty', 'pure', 'heart', 'light' etc. The best thing to do in poetry is be specific. Not so much that it...
  9. Tulipa

    Feminism and Political Correctness

    Wow, you like know so much about me. Two of my uni friends do the whole no shaving thing. One because she can't be bothered and I think the other one doesn't do it because of her whole 'I'm a womyn and I believe I shouldn't have to conform to men's ideals philosophy'. Which I guess pertains more...
  10. Tulipa

    Feminism and Political Correctness

    You're the one talking about general expections - I just equate them to "rules". I'll do what I want thank you very much, screw general expectations. I don't know many people who explicitly say they don't shave because it's a feminist thing but I imagine it's probably something they believe to...
  11. Tulipa

    Feminism and Political Correctness

    So to be a woman you have to shave? Are there rules about what being a women is? If there aren't then how can one purposely rebel against it? It's a personal choice, not necessarily a symbol.
  12. Tulipa

    Fitting In

    That's true I guess. It was more that I got picked on, developed a defense mechanism and got turned into a bitch. However, I don't torment people. I've never gone up to someone (with a group of friends) and abused them in front of a large crowd of people for ten straight minutes. You can't...
  13. Tulipa

    Threadless $10 Tee's

    I love the first one. That and the Meat is Murder tee are Threadless classics. Doesn't katietheskatie have that one too?
  14. Tulipa

    Fitting In

    Because you don't know the situation nor do you really know me? Either way, to the threadstarter, high school may suck but it's a matter of putting up with it for six more months and then starting over. You don't necessarily need to be a huge social butterfly when you get to uni but like...
  15. Tulipa

    Fitting In

    Kinda silly to open yourself up after being shot down for years though. Besides, I love my friends dearly and I'm fiercely loyal to them. It's just easy to have a guard up.
  16. Tulipa

    Fitting In

    I went to an all girls private Catholic school on the North Shore. If you're not a blond clone or haven't been friends since kindergarten, it's a tough slog. I wasn't an airhead or 100% focused on learning and there wasn't really a middle ground. The 'airheads' also decided that if you were...
  17. Tulipa

    Fitting In

    How so?
  18. Tulipa

    Fitting In

    I was in similar position. High school was hell for me and uni has been much better. You do need to make more of an effort but for me at least it was worth it in the end.
  19. Tulipa

    Fitting In

    The good thing is that normally uni is a fresh start so take advantage of that. Be yourself and like tanjin said, don't be afraid to talk to people. I found that there were a lot of different kinds of people and after high school the whole idea of cliques pretty much vanishes.
  20. Tulipa

    The Greatest Book Ever Written

    Is the greatest book ever written? Wow. Low standards there.