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  1. G

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    My birthday is four days after yours, Supra! How cool! And you and your girl still have the night BEFORE she leaves and AFTER your really narchy exam :)
  2. G

    Blood bank

    yes I did end up giving blood! :D Mine only took about an hour too, maybe less (not many people when I went there) I squealled pretty loudly twice (first when they took the iron test, second when they put the needle in, and then a short one when they took it out) but glad I did it. I sms'd my...
  3. G

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread! Do you mean the area just behind your heels (achilles tendon)? If you have tight calf muscles, running or cycling tenses them up like crazy (calves are attached to achilles). Stretch them out by putting one leg behind the other (say 1/2 a...
  4. G

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread! Whilst I do agree that it's more important to focus on being healthy rather than loosing weight, I think there are some important things to consider: a) guys have a naturally better metabolism than girls do, largely due to their higher...
  5. G


    Oi! I pick the easy questions with the fun/easy answers all the time! :p
  6. G

    4 GUYZ: UZ reckon girls shud wear make-up?

    This may be hard to believe, but I actually wasn't the one to a) move this thread from L&R --> F&L and b) I haven't deleted anything from this thread since it's creation. :)
  7. G


    hrm I can't really remember :/ I think it's around end of semester though... like late Nov/Dec.
  8. G

    I'm so sad.

    does anyone wonder sometimes at the fact shoes are so much more expensive than clothes a lot of the time :/
  9. G

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread! lengy's not that much taller than I am, from memory. Hyper-light build, too! that could be wishful thinking though. In my mind's eye, I'm always taller than I seem to be when compared to other people in real life :( Alas! Oh, and I woke up...
  10. G


    I'm sure there's one or two around the forums somewhere. Ivy? Skittled? I think Phil's a leader... Me, Rob and Mike are applying this year for leadership that I know of. waaaaah Sandie doesn't liiikkkeeee meeee! *repetition of pre-mid-semester-mentoring-scenario*
  11. G

    Retreating from retreat from the global.

    oooooh Interesting questions. Were I still in Yr 12, I reckon I would have been a bit stumped as well.
  12. G

    Australian Top Model [2007]

    I'd be wary of anything that asks you to pay, especially if it's not the official australia's next top model website. Ok, I just googled "Australia's Next Top Model" Official Website: Contact email:
  13. G

    Retreating from retreat from the global.

    Can anyone post up the exact question? sounds like the "lets give them something new" from Eng Adv has entered the realms of EE1 as well. Not neccessarily a bad thing in my opinion... but understandably sucky for students who have been relying on a particular type of question (or who have...
  14. G

    Friends with an Ex

    quoted for truth.
  15. G

    Fertility and the Pill

    Of all the people my doctor has given the pill to (she sees a lot of people - so much so that several years back she stopped taking on new clients), she says only two people have got cancers of any kind, and both were smokers. (I think there IS a stronger case for smokers getting cancers...
  16. G


    Sandie said she's want to interview those who applied for team leader in late Oct/early Nov, but I haven't heard anything from her yet. Have been told by a friend that she's only going to interview those she doesn't know... (which knocks out basically all the MQ BOSers mentors, memorable people...
  17. G

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    that weight you lost while you were sick was probably muscle mass :( I always loose about a kilo when really sick. Then I have to work out to put it back on :(
  18. G

    Friends with an Ex

    ohhh ok hmm. So long as the guy makes quality time for his girlfriend, and isn't constantly blowing off dates so he can spend time with his mates (such as smegger) then I think it should still be fine. Once you start putting limitations/restrictions on a relationship (eg "you must sped x...
  19. G

    Loosing your best friends...

    I think something to remember is that once you're out of high school, it's almost impossible to recreate that "I see you every single weekday" thing unless you live together/work together etc. But that doesn't mean you can't stay good friends! You'll meet up less often perhaps, but that...
  20. G

    Friends with an Ex

    So? I have hour-long chats with some of my perfectly platonic male friends. That doesn't mean we're romantically inclined. Just because you're of opposite genders doesn't mean it's impossible to be able to be 'just friends'... especially if you have similar interests/same sense of humour etc...