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  1. uhawww

    KORE1000 Korean Beginners~

    They'll compliment each other nicely. Don't be too scared of Korean pronunciation - I'm caucasian and started out having extreme trouble and a strong western accent, with the help of Evon and Shin, I now almost scare some Koreans with how well my pronunciation can be. Sound files are your friend.
  2. uhawww

    KORE1000 Korean Beginners~

    It's an amazing subject, with amazing seon saeng nim (Evon and Gi-Hyun Shin ROCK). I took it last year. You'll meet a lot of friends and stuff. Assuming he's lecturing again this year, Evon might appear to be a prick at first, but he really isn't. You'll grow to like him if you hate him at...
  3. uhawww

    Japanese in the Future

    Re: Japanese in the Futurem I really wouldn't want to be taught by someone who is uneducated. edit: err wait you mean working in general? What's your source? I wasn't even aware of that, and I know people over there who don't have a degree (although these are people in their 30s) :s Is it...
  4. uhawww

    UNSW O-Week

    Kinda just outside e-spot. edit: fuck... I THINK so... having a mental block
  5. uhawww

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread So discounts aren't just given if you're a member of the club? So let's say, I join Club A. Club A has a BBQ event that costs $10 for non-members, $5 for members, and $3 for members with an access card? That's how it works?
  6. uhawww

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread So discounts aren't just given if you're a member of the club? So let's say, I join Club A. Club A has a BBQ event that costs $10 for non-members, $5 for members, and $3 for members with an access card? That's how it works?
  7. uhawww

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I can honestly say I'd love it if someone came up to me and asked me to guess their name LOL. Come visit me at unsw oweek if you get a chance, I'll be in a hot pink shirt :) Actually the hilarious thing is, the reason I came into this thread was that I was...
  8. uhawww

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I can honestly say I'd love it if someone came up to me and asked me to guess their name LOL. Come visit me at unsw oweek if you get a chance, I'll be in a hot pink shirt :) Actually the hilarious thing is, the reason I came into this thread was that I was...
  9. uhawww

    UNSW O-Week

    Yeah you just compared 3 days of usyd oweek to 6-7 hours of UNSW's first day.
  10. uhawww

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Uh, it started this week lol.
  11. uhawww


    Re: �*文�*�詞! she's hot but not my fav of the three! and nah, i don't really mind leehom either.
  12. uhawww


    Re: �*文�*�詞! ofcoz
  13. uhawww

    The official Chinese music 2008 thread

    janice is so hot
  14. uhawww

    Textlist S1 2008 Now Available

    Oh some might not be up yet, I think the database is still being updated (as they haven't even updated that page to say S1 yet). I kind of spammed it :o
  15. uhawww

    Textlist S1 2008 Now Available Looks like I can get a fair bit second hand, wooo. edit: Still looks like I'll be paying $350~ish this sem. :(
  16. uhawww

    What is this ..."ARC"... you speak of???

    Dear god. You... don't know anything, do you? By public university it does NOT mean the same as a public school. It IS a business. By off campus I mean in the general vicinity of the area. Why the fuck would I compare it's prices to the rest of Sydney. The reason some of the more popular...
  17. uhawww

    What is this ..."ARC"... you speak of???

    Um actually, a lot of stuff on campus is slightly cheaper than a lot of stuff off campus. Wait wait... public university? I'm just not going to even bother. You're a fucking idiot, go back /b/ and argue with me once you've actually studied at the uni/been around the area for more than a week.
  18. uhawww

    What is this ..."ARC"... you speak of???

    If you're not made of money stop bitching about take out food prices and make your own shit. No take out food is really that cheap unless you find a dodgy outlet, and even then you're still spending more than you could.