I graduate mid-year 2011, does anyone know of graduate programs that exist in the area of management/hr/business/commerce that accept people mid-year into their graduate programs (or possibly have 2 intakes). I'm struggling a tad to work out if there will be many opportunities for me after I...
Just wondering, is it possible to complete a bachelors degree at one uni, and complete honours at another? I've looked at entry requirements by unis for honours years and most of them say that it requires a bachelors degree...
Any help would be great!
Just wondering, what does a service associate do at big w. Because there is a job ad for one, I know checkouts do the checkouts, recovery clean the store/department pretty much, nightfill does nights... what does service associate do?
i've heard people talking about how the BOS looks at raw marks and decides on the borderline between bands. for instance 88 raw mark is the cut off for band 6, therefore 88s become 90 for example. does anyone know where i can look at this? does the BOS have a link or a document about it...
My rank for advanced english is currently 19/160. i go to a selective school ranked 27th, and as a general guide in our school, roughly the top 30-35 people get a band 6 in adv. english in the hsc. but my question is... if i get a raw mark of 80 or so in the actual hsc exam, does my rank even...
Can someone please give me an estimate for my UAI?
These are my subjects and ranks... and an estimate for my assessment mark (based on trials etc)... but yeah... basically just base it on subjects and ranks and school rank... thanks
Advanced English - 19/159 (roughly low-mid 90s)
Extension 1...
I'm interested in environmental issues and I would really like to combine a uni course with law, and I'm wondering what careers are out there and what courses i could consider. I've already been informed about environmental science/law and planning/law, but is there anything else for people...
I'm just wondering because I'm trying to time my script. It says 20-30 minutes playing time (film script), so how many pages/words is that if mine is in times new roman double spaced. I've included a fair amount on the mise-en-scene, except I'm wondering whether I've gone over the limit already...
Hi, I'm interested in studying in qld. Well, I'm more than interested because I basically have already decided that I will be. Therefore I know I have to apply through QTAC. Except that I want to apply for a scholarship in nsw and if i got it then I would consider staying, but only if i got it...
Which one is better in your opinions? By looking at the outlines of each, it seems that prop eco's is entirely based on property, and UWS property is just a business degree with a property major...?!?
Does anyone know if you can combine either of these degrees with something else?
Is there any parking at UTS or will i have to catch the train to central station every time. I'm from the shire so its like an hour each way to get there and back.
Does anyone know of any HR management or property cadetships in sydney, that is, any companies or organisations that offer cadetships in these areas. I can't find any. I can only find accounting cadetships and finance cadetships etc. Any help would be mostly appreciated
Hey, I'm just wondering whether you guys could help me:
I'm very good at english (well at least i think i am) - Ranked 1st in Adv English and 1st in Ext 1 English at my school (selective) and my parents are urging me to pursue this further (into uni etc).
They have suggested law and journalism...
Hey i need some help please, im in a sticky situation...
I went past a speed camera (one that is on a pole and fixed into the ground) doing about 50km in a 40km school zone. However I really need to know something:
I was in the left lane on a two lane road (two lanes travelling each way) and...
Hey, does anyone do, or know anyone who does the management cadetship at UOW. I'm wondering what people's opinions are of it. Is it worth the extra two years doing it? How hard is it to get in? What uai is required? How many people do they choose each year to participate in it?
Hey, I'm considering this course and was wondering whether anyone could answer some of my questions:
What is your opinion of the Fac. Built Environment? Teachers?
What are the career prospects for graduates like? (i understand what jobs are available... I'm just wondering whether these are...
Hey, I'm currently doing:
Adv English
Ext 1 English
Ext 2 English
Modern History
Legal Studies
Adv Maths
And i can get 90s for english and legal, and 80s for modern history, except i'm barely lucky to scrape a pass in adv maths... My dilemma is: Is there a time limit on when i can drop to...
Hey guys, I need some help with some stuff.
I'm really set on doing property economics at uni, and I'm tossing up between property economics at QUT (qld uni tech) and UTS. I'm going to move to Qld anyways so QUT wouldn't be a problem, however I'm wondering which degree everyone thinks is better...