What are the chances that they ask for at least 1 RT as i have prepared for 2 and i cant really budge on that because it will be to short ~800words if they specify 1RT
I have just realied how much i hate the Astro topic in Physics and i was wandering whether it is to late to learn the Q2Q module by myself.
Is it even remotely possible to do well in the little period of time i have before the HSC? Its taken me 4 weeks to realise how much i actually hate...
From launch, an onboard sensor continually measured the mass of the spacecraft while it was on the mission. This information was automatically transmitted to Earth. Justifying your answer, what would have been observed by the scientist on earth who was responsible for the continually monitoring...
In the HSC exam, what would happen if i was to do Q2Q and Astro? Would the higher mark count or the lower mar count towards the physics mark? Or neither
Morning (8-11)
Mid-day (11ish-2.30ish)
Afternoon/Late afternoon (3.00-7.30)
Evening (7.30-11.00)
Ungodly hours in the morning (1.30-4.30)
This isnt an accurate question in terms of options, but generally speaking, what hours do you study best?
Mine is in the ungodly hours of the...
I just did my chem midcourse and it was hard because it was easier then i thought it was going to be. And thus i dont think i did to well. I was be stoked if i got 85%.
But the question is, is the trials harder then the actual exams for the HSC and who writes the hardest trial papers?? I know...
I have:
Biology in Contexts
Biology in Focus
Jacaranda Biology
Macquarie Biology study Guide
GetSmart study guide.
I need to pick one that i can use to study tonight, what do you guys and girls think? Or maybe Just notes of Ahmad Shah? Which one is most concise out of the texts? (i know i have...
I have both of the texts and mid-course is only two weeks away. The question i pose to you is which one is better for the first two modules. I just need to read over it as i have a half decent understanding of the concept. In particular, which texts out of the two is better for the Acidic...