I'm year 11 and i haven't been doing so well in my half yearly's and i got a low score in 2U Maths like 20 out of 75 yes i know it's terrible!! and like my teacher say you should do general maths.... but i heard the scale for general maths is bad! but also I'm in adv English and for my half...
What is the best possible way to get excellent marks in all your subjects?? please give me some advice and help?? cause i have been getting the marks i want!! im in yr 11 and want an atar of 90+ please and thankyou!!
I absolutely not that good in maths and it seems that no matter how hard i work in maths, i never get the marks i should be getting. When i'm in class, i can do all the maths questions given to me and even i can do my homework without struggle but why is it that during a test, i seem to fail...
Hello everyone im in yr 11 and just asking im doing 2U maths and i just got my first term (half yearly results) back and i did pretty bad and didnt even past, i am very dissapointed and worried about my atar, if i dont do that good in adv maths would it affect my atar bringing it down, or if i...