What is the shortest way to prove the \zeta (2) = \frac{\pi ^{2}}{6} function because the one where you use sinx < x < tanx is really really long, elementary but tedious.
Is the proof using Fourier series the shortest one?
and why does \int_{0}^{\infty }\frac{x}{e^{x}-1}dx = \zeta (2) ?!?!?
I haven't been working out properly for about 6 months so I really wanna get back into it. But since I haven't been working out I lost a lot of my strength so what do you guys think about steroids and protein shakes? do they actually work? and are they worth the money? Or should I just start...
Carrot, can you teach me how to do contour integration, looks like a pretty cool technique.
For example, I'm doing this bad ass nasty little integral and I couldn't continue because I have a contour integral:
\int_{0}^{\infty }\frac{cos(x)}{1+(x)^{2}}dx...
So I have a 990X with water cooling, it normally runs at about 4GHz
If I over clock it to 5GHz the computer keeps suddenly restarting itself every 10 minuted :(
anyone know what is the problem?
mx1 trials tomorrow =(
it includes everything except binomial and inverse.
what should i concentrate on? probability and applications of calculus to the physical?
it's my last trial tomorrow, im really happy with all my exams so far, don't wanna screw up mx1.
I have all the popular physics textbooks, and physics notes from top students but in my experience I found that Physics in Focus is the best resource.
Jacaranda is a good book but it has too much detail and the way it is structured is very annoying.
Physics in Focus is very well structured and...
i have the distance, speed and time, how do i calculate the acceleration of a person running :$
the runner has to cover a distance of 50.36m in 2.86s, so i need to calculate his constant acceleration.
Please help me with this question and this one too http://community.boredofstudies.org/showthread.php?t=287805 and I will stop posting questions :(
I'm going to bed now, I'm extremely tired, please try to solve this question for me :)
I can do part (i) :cool: it is just equiangular...
But I can't do the rest :(
If I try I might get them but I am so tired right now and this is the last question in the paper !
So I have this question saying show that the area enclosed by a parabola of the form x^2=-4(y-a^2) and the x-axis is \frac{8a^3}{3}. (VOLUMES QUESTION)
I made y the subjects and integrated between 2a and 0 then multiplied by 2 since a parabola is symmetrical etc... and got \frac{8a^3}{3}...
Is it possible to add this game to BoS? =)
Can someone please explain to me how transfer works exactly? Please :)
If I do Advanced Science in the first year, how possible is it to transfer to medicine?
This is a 3U question but I found it in a 4U paper in question 5, it is worth 3 marks.
I tried to do it, but looks like I'm not doing it right :(
Question: A thin wire of length A is divided into 2 pieces, from which a circle and a square are made. Show that the smallest possible area enclosed...
So many new games are coming out.
for me, Counter Strike - Global Offensive, COD - Black Ops 2 and SC2 - Heart of the Swarm.
All of them are coming out after the HSC !