Hey guys,
I just had a poke around on UOW Living's Facebook page and my understanding is that accommodation offers are beginning to be sent out. Has anyone received theirs, on the UOW portal it say my application is 'received', nor have i received any emails from them. Is this the same for...
Hey guys, I'm looking at applying for early entry into a health degree at Wollongong to go onto post-grad. medicine (purely because I don't think I'll get an ATAR high enough, looking at low 90's)
Specifically, I was looking at a Bachelor of Medical & Health Sciences and a Bachelor of Exercise...
Hi guys I just had my first extension lesson today and was told I had to come up with a topic to write my major work on over the weekend, a deadline much sooner than I anticipated. Just as an indicator, those that are currently doing the course of have done the course - what did you write your...
Hi guys, just had my first real physics assessment for the year (the other one was just a prac test). I think I did ok but I know I got one question horribly wrong, could someone help me out with it.
A fridge has an energy output of 625kWh per year and is connected to a standard...
Hey guys I was just doing some light study today when I realised something: I know that there are many studies done saying that music makes you work less efficient but for me I know that I work faster/more efficient listening to some sub-genres of rock and/or EDM. You thoughts on the matter...
Hi guys, Just got given an essay on Giap, I've written 3-4 essays (or about that) on the topic however they were only class tasks (which required no bibliography) and didn't count toward anything, however we have just been given one that not only counts but were are expected to use at east 8...