Ever since year 12 started I have been struggling to maintain my ability in solving questions. At first I thought it was just stress but it seems like more to me. There are a lot of times now where I will get stuck on questions only to find out they were ridiculously easy. I can't rarely solve...
I'm supposed to research one person from a selection I got and their contribution to space exploration. I managed to narrow it down to these guys but I don't know who to choose. Help pls.
I know this sounds like a pretty stupid question but I do want to see if I'm missing out on something helpful considering I have to teach myself 4 out of 10 units in physics and modern history. This of course, is the result of atrocious teaching (mainly for physics) and while I'm pretty...
I have a problem of writing fairly slow in comparison to others. Luckily the only subjects I need to write fast in are English Advanced and Modern History but even then it's a worry. So far it has only marginally affected my marks (e.g I failed to get 100% in my english essay because I couldn't...
I have found studies notes better than mine but I've been told to have my own by teachers. Personally, I absolutely hate doing them for Biology and would really rather avoid them. So for those of you doing really well in Biology (sorry to exclude others), do you think it would be fine if I used...
I am going into Yr12 next term and I am currently faced with this dilemma. The subjects I know I'm definitely doing are Physics, Math Ex2, Ex1, Advanced, and English Advanced.
I usually enjoy history but my teacher and class are so bad to the extent that I no longer enjoy lessons. I do better...