Apart from pens, pencils and the usual stationary... what can you take into the exam?
Someone told me I should take a bottle of water and a few snacks...are we allowed to take snacks in? and if so are they allowed on the table?
I have been trying to get onto the board of studies website and have been unable. The page says it is loading and 15 minutes later it still hasnt loaded.
Is the website down or what!!!!?
I have been working and touching up my essay for module a - comparative study.
I was wondering is it ok for your essay to not follow chronological order completely. Obviously the start and end of the texts come at the start and end of my essay.
The reason I say this is because I am...
If I do art as a HSC subject and majored in photography, would i still have to learn about famous artists, history of art and art in general?
Also is Art a Catergory A or B Subject?
Was just wondering is Design & Technology a Cat A or B subject?
I know that Industrial Technology is a Cat B subject which means that when your UAI is determined they only count your best ONE cat B subject.
I know we need to know and have studied all 8 of the Immigrant Chronical poems by Peter Skrzynecki, but how many do we need to know in details and talk about in our essay or hsc response?
In the past how many of the poems have they expected you to write on?
all the stimulus texts obviously are acceptable for journey but I don't think any really suite with Skrzynecki's poems (physical journey) and the issues I have raised.
Which text do you suggest with this core. I can not do 'Road not taken' because my core is poetry.
If AOS is an essay task in the hsc, is it ok to write the essay in blocks and link the texts.
Journey Thesis
Peter Skrzynecki Poem 1
Peter Skrzynecki Poem 2
BOS Stimulus Text
Related Text
Conclusion and link all to physical journey.
or should i keep switching...
Just wondering what issues and scenes you focused on in your king lear essays?
I have focused on:
The division of the kingdom, Edmunds greed
Storm Scene
Gloucesters blinding
Lears fall and final tragedy
I did a few practice exams from previous HSC Years and am now looking for the answers to see how I went but the board of studies site only gives answers for 2001 and 2002. Can i get answers to HSC papers from other years somewhere/how?
I am doing physical journey for AOS, but for the creative writing section of the hsc can I write an imaginitive journey instead of physical?
Was wondering do we get a study break before hsc exams or do we only get the holidays + any days which exams are not on?
Also do we have to go to school for the whole of term 3 or do we finish earlier than other years?
I just can not write about all three texts (frontline episodes - at least 3 + 2 related texts) for mod c within 40 minutes. In fact I'm pushing it getting frontline + 1 related text with bare minimum.
I keep practicing and know the texts well. I have handed in prac essays and got good...
Most people say that you should write your essay, switching between texts and linking them, but not once have I seen a sample essay on the board of studies or study guides etc etc that has done this. All of them have a big block on text 1 then big block on text 2 and then a conclusion to...
Are there any examples of puns in the frontline episodes. I looked out for them while viewing the episodes a few times but did not notice any.
Could you please give some examples.
Thanks. :)