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    CVD Government Initiatives & Lifestyle Approach & New public health approach

    Hi im just having troubles answering these two questions, if anyone can help , please do . thanks 1) Predict the governments respond in the future to manage CVD based on current health initiatives in Australia targeting CVD 2) evaluate possible futures in regard to CVD and the health status...
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    ARTS1000 eSearch to Research Library Skills

    Hello im doing an elective in the faculty of arts called sociology. anyways its complusory to do this reasearch library skills thing on the net, i accesd it via webct but i don't know what to do? if someone culd give me a lil hand , much appreciated thankyouuu...
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    Changing Subjects

    Hey jst wanna know how do i change my subjects? When i went to enrolment day they gave me a huge variety of subjects to choose from, thus i didn't know what i should do as i was running out of time, so the lady said its okay put anything for now and you can change it later. Well now ive asked...
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    B Human Movement and Health Education at USYD

    Anyone doing it here or put it on their preferences? And also how many disadvantage marks do USYD give at max?
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    Help Enrolement

    Hey my friend is going overseas for 2 months and is going to miss enrolment, but has asked her cousin to enrol on behalf of her. Anyway my friend just wants to know what things u need to take with you to enrol. Also can u enrol on the internet? Thankyou
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    Max and Mins

    Hey see how we usually get max and min problems, and we usually need to know our surface area and volume formulas, ive only really learnt a cylinders formulas, i hvent come across any i dont think, do i need to know the cone pyramids etc ??
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    Are ranks that big of a deal?

    yeh r ranks that big of a deal, my ranks r ok 2/36 Legal 2/15 PD 2/4 Chem 3/8 Maths 2un 9/19 eng adv :( anyways besides my ranks , can someone giv me a brief outline on why ranks r so important thanks.
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    National health priority areas

    When it states for example why has CVD been identified as a national health priority area? what do we include so many of my friends tell me so any different things? thanks
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    Miracle for maths ?

    Hey my assessment mark for maths 2un is 61% with rank 3/8 in my class, is it possible to achieve a 75 for my overall mark in the hsc?
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    How to study for the options?

    im finding it really hard to study for family and workplace. thers so much content and it wont sink in with me. Whats a good idea? thankyou!
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    Module B :Hamlet

    Hey guys, just wandering what exactly are we supposed to do in this module, im really confused :S. I understand the play, is this module mainly based on themes ? thanks
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    Half Yearly stuff up

    hey i did my maths half yearly , i studied realy hard , and when i got in the exam i lost track of time, and missed out on about 7 marks. well now i recivd my mark and got 10.5/20, i jst passd , its 20% to my report, and im just scared if this is going to effect my hsc?
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    Trig Functions

    hey im currently doin trig functions, and im really confused about when to use pie on ur calculator or let pi = 180, can any1 help me please?
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    Im stressing, is the HSC near by?

    i dno why but im going crazy, is there a long time left for the hsc? or r we running outa time, approx 7 months left, is that enoughh..? arhhhh
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    where are u up to in chem?

    Im on acidic environment - and were doing titrationss , r we behind?
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    How much work should i put in?

    How much work should i be doing to, at least get a 65 -75 for chemistry in my HSC, its the only subject im struggling with, like sometimes i get it but at times i cant, and atm im just trying hard to do well in my assessments, because i noe when i sit my HSC,it wont be all that great. Ive kind...
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    For The HSC r we supposed to...

    for the hsc are we supposed to noe all the practicals , like off by heart? or just understand them ?
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    Is it normal to forget how to write formulas?

    So yeh is it normal, cause ive gone blankk and im revisin it all again, cause ive totaly lost it, and im scaredd , wuld this happen 2 me in ths hsc? i dont find them hard but ive jst forgottn everythn
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    safety issue for a fuel cell?

    hey anyone noe any safety issues for a fuel cell plz?
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    Help plz fuel cell chemistry assignment due 2morw plzzz

    Hey u guys ,im doing an assignmnet on batteries and cells, anyways one part of the assignment conists of finding the chemistry of a fuel cell, i was going through my assignment and im reali confusd on what i have written some of the things r irrelavnt but i dnt noe wat to take off, someone plz...