This is extremely disappointing to here, not just for the fact that i'm a huge Storm fan, but because of what a talent he is to the game and the further damage this will do to the NRL.
I can't see anything good coming for him, as the Storm's CEO was quick to stress that the behaviour wont be...
With the mixed reviews coming through from S60 on the N97, there are plenty that are very quick to criticise it and write it off completely.
Nokia have recently paid $500 million to purchase Symbian and convert it to non-profit, so obviously Nokia have rolled the dice on this.
Can Nokia take...
Inevitable that Rudd has once again tried to change his style of communication to suit his audience., and failed miserably. His motive is understandable though, as his four consecutive predecessor PM's used these techniques. However, it's his execution that lets him down and begs the questions...
To cut through the serious tones of Political discussion in NCAP, i'm creating a thread to exclusively showcase the moments that politicians have brought us humour, both intentionally and unintentionally.
Howard, Rudd, Keating and Costello spring to mind, but i'm sure there are many others out...
This seems to be getting quite a bit of media coverage. I had heard about a few cases where International Students were targeted near the AIC after dark in recent weeks, which is pretty concerning as I walk through Architecture on my way home.
Some interesting comments following the article...
Autism really amazes me, and I think a lot of the time those with it are unfortunately more often than not, unable to have their talents discovered.
Does anyone have any family members or know of close friends with Autism? Whilst their social and language impairments would probably be most...
A disgusting piece of journalism this one, but it raises a moral point that i'm keen to hear people's opinion on.
Is this really what we can come to expect from today's society? Or is this more specific of certain areas of Sydney?
I don't consider myself a pessimist, but I fight with the...
Unleashed: The end of 'going to Uni'
The article is an bit of a bore imo, but the comments underneath are present some interesting points of discussion.
I think a lot of the problem with universities these days is that they're trying to be all things to all people. This dilutes their worth.
Where do you source your online news from?
Do you use difference sources for National vs International news?
What's the most politically biased?
The most trashy/appeal-to-the-masses source? Probably obvious here though. *coughDTcough*
I'd probably say mine has been a mix between The...
I'm looking for a new phone, and can't decide between the Blackberry Bold and the Nokia E71.
I'm looking for a phone that I can use a full keyboard with, access to Outlook Express would be great (ie. Blackberry), but is not crucial at this stage.
I've had a quick look at reviews, here and...
To start of with, I guess the main reason i'm making this thread, is through curiosity as to how fellow students perceive Opus. I have a fair idea, but wanted to see if anyone had read the latest copy.
Ok so I picked up a copy of the latest Opus to kill boredom this afternoon. Had a chuckle on...
Read here.
With 1,000 job cuts from a total of 13,000, is it reasonable to expect more cuts to be on the cards within the next few months with predicted results like this.
Their profit's been slashed in half from the previous year, in addition to $1.1 billion in write-offs the company made in...
How did everyone here find out about BOS?
- Through friends?
- Google?
- Links from other sites?
- Divine Intervention?
I think from memory, I found this place off google.
Ok go!