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  1. blue_chameleon

    'Rich Dad's' series

    Anybody read books by Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad/Poor Dad series)? Im reading his latest book "Increase your Financial IQ". The title sounds a tad boring, although its a great book, and follows with the 'story' format of his other books in the series. Whilst I realise wealth/investment...
  2. blue_chameleon


    How do you guys rate it? Came out on Thursday, and is based on the MIT Blackjack Team that used card counting to take an advantage over the house. As a movie, I thought it was a solid effort. Yeah, its no Oceans 11/12/13, and the "twist" at the end was way too predictable. I take my hat...
  3. blue_chameleon

    International recognition for uni's 1st year students program

    Source: Woo! Fuck yeah. Along with 8 others and Kym Cowley, I helped designed this program. Good to see its been recognised, cos it took a fair effort. :)
  4. blue_chameleon

    Whats the most underrated/overrated aspect about UNCLE?

    No, I dont want to know about your uncle, jumb. Overrated: The land the uni is on. Wtf? No, I dont care how you try and spin it, the tree's and shrubs dont make me feel more at ease or positively influence my studies in any way. Rather, im actually walking around slapping all uncovered...
  5. blue_chameleon

    Good Desktop/Laptop for playing COD4 etc

    Im looking to purchase a new desktop/laptop in the new year, and am wondering if anyone can give advice on those which are good with gaming ie. plays COD4 successfully. Ive had a read around, and for laptops have found the Dell XPS M1530, but it has a lot of negative reviews regarding noise of...
  6. blue_chameleon

    Comm Bank - SummerConnect Program

    Applications closed 29th August. Anyone here apply? If so, which division/s did you put down in your prefences? Anyone hold a Grad position here with the Comm Bank that went through the SummerConnect program?
  7. blue_chameleon

    North Korea: "UN Has Declared War..."

    This is pretty far fetched from North Korea, although it would be somewhat expected from a country under control of Kim Jong Il. I have the feeling that regardless of the efforts of the UN, this may well escalate further.
  8. blue_chameleon

    Management Accounting v Financial Accounting

    Not sure if this question has already been raised, apologies if it has. I have been unable to grasp for a while now the specific differences between management and financial accounting. I know its probably easy to understand, but I just cant work out what majoring in one over the other will...
  9. blue_chameleon

    Semester 2 Timetable

    This is for all that have had the time to even look at their timetable for next semester, but those who have, what's your week like? Better/Worse/The Same as Semester 1? Mine I have managed to compact into Monday - Wednesday, pretty stoked. IRHR1110 ECON1110 ACFI1020 EBUS1010
  10. blue_chameleon

    Where do I start to learn Japanese?

    Yeah so I have befriended a few exchange students from Japan (a whole group in fact) and, with always having had an interest in Japanese, I figure now is a great time to seriously take on learning another language. My friends teach me a few words here and there, but I (ultimately) want to be...
  11. blue_chameleon

    Japanese Exchange

    With a business/commerce degrees? I posted a similar thread in the Overseas Study/Exchange section of the forums as well. Just looking for some opinions from people on what Japanese universities offer good business/commerce programs, and in what area of Japan they are.
  12. blue_chameleon

    Japanese uni's and...

    business/commerce degrees? Just looking for some opinions from people on what Japanese universities offer good business/commerce programs, and in what area of Japan they are.
  13. blue_chameleon

    ENRON: Skilling and Lay guilty

    If this needs to be moved to news, then sobeit. Guilty verdict for Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling. They will be appealing the decision. Given the massive impact this companies collapse had on thousands of peoples lifes, it would seem fair to assume that they will be receiving quite hefty...
  14. blue_chameleon

    12 Year Old sits HSC exam

    I saw a link to a 15 year old sitting a HSC exam in another thread, so I thought id post this up as well. This young chap is only 12. Mathematics Extention 2......Freak!
  15. blue_chameleon


    Hey I was just wondering if there are any BOS'ers out there that go to Hillsong? Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but anyway. ....Yeah, im just asking if anyone on here goes there, thats all. No persuasive discussion/debates intended. Im sure there are a billion other threads...
  16. blue_chameleon


    Hey all, I need Microsoft Excel to use for uni work, but I have Works programs instead of Office programs. Does anybody know where I can get a cheap Office Edition, or even just Excel for really cheap, as im a poor as uni student. Would the university have these programs on offer for free? If...
  17. blue_chameleon

    ENRON Documentary

    Yeah, thats the one. I watched the dvd of it. They also brought down Arthur Anderson which was a huge multinational accounting firm who worked for them. A lot of people lost their jobs, and their life savings. Amazing how a simple change in accounting principles started the ball rolling...
  18. blue_chameleon

    Supply and Demand

    Hey guys, I just thought id share a story with you all, regarding the O Ball being a Sell Out. I got my ticket yesterday, with a couple of mates and came up for uni today to do somethings, then was planning to go around 7ish. At the door, the bouncer realised I had thongs on, and wouldnt let...
  19. blue_chameleon

    Toupe or not to pay?

    Ok guys, Student Fee's? You know that bill for $187 we all get? What is everyone doing? I really want to wait until the government makes it voluntary, but I guess thats not going to happen. :( Not sure if this have been created before, but was just not sure about what happens if I dont...
  20. blue_chameleon

    Mature Aged Entry

    When applying for Mature Aged Entry into a university, what do they at? Do all universities have the same requirements? Is there anywhere I could find more info on this, apart from contacting the individual universities? You need to be 20 or older dont you? I just feel that im not ready...