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  1. blue_chameleon

    UNCLE "I got an offer" 2009 Thread

    I got an offer once. It was much cool. Who got dem this year?
  2. blue_chameleon

    The Cricket Thread

    2009 is a busy year for cricket! Australian's are playing: - South Africa - New Zealand - Twenty20 World Cup - Ashes Series in England - ODI in India - Pakistan -...
  3. blue_chameleon

    Postgrad Amibitions?

    Is anyone seriously considering Post Grad? Not necessarily with UNCLE, but just in general. If so, what's the reasoning behind it; interest or career opportunities? I'll probably look at it in the future, although given the nature of what I want to get into, other than moving into executive...
  4. blue_chameleon

    California to be Bankrupt by February

    Seems the US can't get a break at the moment. Whilst I can't realistically see California going bankrupt, it's a pretty sad state of affairs to see that it has reached this point and still nothing has been done to fix it. More handouts needed to keep something else afloat. Arnie doesn't look...
  5. blue_chameleon

    Car bailout deal fails in US Senate

    Oh dear, GM looks like it's going down. The US Senate rejected the bail out because they didn't think the cash would stop the car makers from collapsing. Looks like they're on their own now.,27753,24790284-462,00.html
  6. blue_chameleon

    Guitar hero Joe Satriani sues Coldplay for plagiarism

    Listen to a comparison here. Sounds very, very..........very similar. Will be interested to see what happens in court. Source:,26278,24764327-7484,00.html
  7. blue_chameleon

    Woman swept to death during proposal

    That has gotta suck. :(,27574,24755198-401,00.html
  8. blue_chameleon

    Honda poised to quit F1

    Wow, big news if this eventuates. Although, somehow I don't think Toyota would follow suit. Source:,,24754707-23770,00.html
  9. blue_chameleon

    Mac Bank drop 100 staff

    To be honest, I have been waiting for them to cull a few. Not surprising really, given the current climate. Anyone here know any IBer's affected?
  10. blue_chameleon


    Anyone here a member?
  11. blue_chameleon

    Sarah Palin...again.

    Not. A. Clue. She was giving an interview whilst a turkey was being slaughtered behind her, in full view of the camera. She almost turns around at one point. Hahaha.,27574,24689469-23109,00.html
  12. blue_chameleon

    Hahahaha, only in Newcastle!

    Hahahaha. Only in Newcastle!
  13. blue_chameleon

    My great plan!

    That's right, I have a plan! I'm over crunching the numbers and converting cashflows between present and future values, just over it. So, as i'm coming back next year, and have 1/2 subjects per semester to fill, I want to branch out and do something different! What's that you say, take a...
  14. blue_chameleon

    Masterplan for UNCLE

    What do you guys think? I really think it's obvious that they need better access from Shortland Courtyard to the Hunter side of Campus. At the moment, crossing sides is a pain, hence I hardly ever go over to the Hunter side. Now, if they opened up the uni a bit and made better use of...
  15. blue_chameleon

    The Geoff Leonard?

    Is this the Geoff Leonard? Check the board members at the bottom of the page. Did he write a PhD? Surely not. I cant find out anything more about this guy on the Board, but i've got a feeling it's not our friend. Anyway, raised my eyebrow nonetheless.
  16. blue_chameleon

    Freeze on Funds

    Freeze on Mortgage Funds Grows AXA is potentially freezing redemptions for the next 6 months, which if things remain unchanged will have major consequences for clients that have invested into AXA portfolio's if they can't draw out income. Rudd really put a lot of thought into this one. RBA was...
  17. blue_chameleon

    Caught out on Facebook chucking a sickie.

    Wtf is this 'good-naturedly' shit? His reply when caught out was "LMAO epic fail." Oh wait. He works at a call centre.
  18. blue_chameleon

    iPhone connectivity

    Just thought i'd post this up in here, regarding connecting iPhone's to the university network. I orignally said that we couldn't do it, although it appears that now we can. Have been given this to give out to students. The uni doesn't offer support as such, so they can't help. But they have...
  19. blue_chameleon

    Lazy Freakin Students

    Welcome to the rebirth. Well, since *ahem* thie thread went missing last, it seems the majority of guys have been good with books. Word must be getting around. Or then again, I may be too hopeful and it may be explained simply by being uni holidays. Was int the cityhub the other day, and...
  20. blue_chameleon

    I really have to laugh

    Ok, so here's the story... I met a new student in O-Week through the program I was involved in, and he was an International from Malaysia here to study Commerce. Anyway, he was having major problems trying to organise his enrolment, as he applied for 2 semesters worth of credit and was later...