Hello everyone,
Hope everyones doing well!
Just out of curiosity, anyone sitting for GAMSAT this year. If yes, did you buy any preparation books other than the ones ACER has to offer?
Or, did anyone do it in the previous few years, and they bought em? If anyone has them, would you like...
grr this is so sad... this guys going to be executed in like a few days time...
I don' get what people get out of such executions... i mean us as humans srsly don't have the right to kill someone just like that. Life and death is in God's hands :(
Hi Everyone...
just had a question...
n here it goes...last semester I did uni part time as I thought of giving cadetship a go along with uni..but since sydney unis tt's are so inflexible, it was not gonna work out for this semester...so i changed back to full time uni...now the thing is, I...
So...how much money are u taking (or took last year) to sign up for the Clubs and Societies...
and is it a waste of money? :confused: as a couple of friends told me that they got nothing out of it except emails!
Hi people,
i am really interested to know what is the lowest UAI at your school...if u went to a selective school or any other school which is in top 120 list.
I had a perception that people who go to selective get a UAI over 90 always...which is not the case.
So do u people mind...
Hi people...
just wanted to ask if anyone of u's getting the newspaper tonite?
i checked in the newsagencies and 7-11 around my area..but they won't have it until morning :(
is possible for any of u's to help me out here....and check for me?
thanks :)
Hi people,
just wanted to ask if you's got the UAI u aimed for.
For me i amied for over 90, like around 92-93 and i got mid 90's...nearly a 95 i.e. 94.80
So yeah i met my goal :D
I know it has been ages to when we got our UAIs.
Dunno if there is a similar thread.
What about you...
Hi people,
i wanted to ask about this course.
how is it different from commerce.
i want to put it on my preferences, to be on the safe side, in case, i miss out on commerce~!
hi people,
I am i bit confused about how our final assessment marks are calculated.
I am worried that if my school assessment mark will affect my final mark.
I mean, for example, in Physics my school assessment mark is 80%, but, for the HSC im am hoping a raw of around mid eighties, which...
hi people!
just wanted to know when we are supposed to receive this booklet : You and your UAI ?
I read in the UAC guide that we get it in early December, but still haven got it:confused:
hi ppl!
cud any1 list key words 4 each question in this option by giving question no...i dunno ...4 some reason i want 2 c..which q's were there...cuz i have chucked away my copy of da HSC options...n it has not been uploaded on da BOS website.
hi ppl!
i wanna ask ppl who are doing this course, or who know some 1 who is doing this course, about, like do they like it? wat majors are u doing? im thinking of:
accounting n human resource management.
if i dont do this course at Usyd or UNSW i'd take B.commerce/B Science at UNSW, where...
hi ppl i have no clue about what i wud really like at uni!
i dont want 2 guess my uai, but hopefully it will be over 90...i was thinking about secondary maths teaching...but i dunno....shud i be doing something better??
so yeah, thats my question...
they could give anything, but this years trial papers and the previous two hsc exams had Global business in it
what do u and ur teachers think???
could anyone please explain me the following:
- audited accounts, inappropriate cut off periods, misuse of funds
- Corporate raiders and asset stripping.
in the planning cycle, is it ok if we just like learn the steps, i mean name them...or do we need to know them in some detail or...
hi people
im thinking that Im just gonna apply for uni now, for commerce n stuff, and later look into courses after the HSC.
Is it ok? cuz we cud change our preferences n stuff.
hi ppl
could u please briefly tell me how u have answered the following dot point
assess the evidence which indicates
increases in atmospheric
concentration of oxides of sulfur
and nitrogen