Hey people
I was wondering if you can answer my question. What makes a person who does sports, charity work and participates in leadership roles so attractive to the interviewers. I saw the application form for UNSW, and it barely asked these actitivities besides a little subsection where it...
Say for some reason i can get Usyd or UNSW for combine law, but i am a science/commerce person with not too much interest in law, should i still go for the combined law degrees to distinguish myself from other science/commerce graduates?
And can i just get the bachelor degree for law and get...
Need the opinions of uni students atm
What course to take if I wanted to become rich? Hardness of course(1-5)? Level of interest (boring-very interesting)?
What course for a quiet passive job? Hardness? Level of interest?
What course for a exciting and stimulating career? Hardness...
Say you fail in getting the UAI you want ( i want law at USyd) what is the next best option?I've heard repeating at TAFE. How does that work?
How about getting into law through high achievements in another course?
What is the best option. Pls i want to know
Need confidence to motivate me
Approxiamates ranks, marks
ENg Adv 20/120 72%
Chem 10/80 88%
Phy 2/70 96%
3U maths 6/100 88%
4U maths 7/44 73%
School ranked around 40-45 range in charts
Pls dont say it is too early, just give it a try
Has anyone developed eyes problems during the HSC? I noticed my eyes can see as clear as they use to say in year 10. I use to be able to see train table tv, from like 30 metres away, and tiny writings on the tv, and overhead never bothered me despite what position in the classroom i may be...
Do you get a remark, or appeal to the head teacher? or what? How about if the head teacher is the marker. You question him/her on the faults of your writing and pressure her to give you a good mark?
Of course this is only if you think you writing deserves more credit than it gets
Ok, i want to get to med at Unsw
I think i will get a UAI of around 99.4-99.8, though i think my projected will be lower as i didn't put in enough effort earlier. I am not a prefect or part of the student council and rarely participate in extraciriculum activities. I'm pretty sure that I can do...
in electrical conductivity, i know electrons are allowed to flow. Say the electrons in a metal are electrons (A), and the electrons in the electrical current electrons (B). When the electron flows to the metal and out to another conducting surface, do the electron get electrons (A) flow out or...
Was wondering if any past students would like to share their essays. My writing has always been bad and i really need a good model with the correct style and content to adhere to
So if you have any that you are willing to share, please post it here. Ideally high band 5 and band 6s;) ;)