Email to Teds
"Hi Everyone
Please read the attached email as it provides important information regarding Autonomy Day next Friday. Please note that the entire campus including the colleges has been declared an alcohol free zone with the only alcohol that day to be available at the Bar on the...
FEES Account Charges
Account Number Item description Excl of GST GST Amount Payable
GSC001 2006 Sem 1 General Service Charge $187.00 $0.00 $187.00
Total New Transactions This Period Due 23-Feb-2006: $187.00 $0.00 $187.00
Opening Balance from Previous Statement: $0.00...
I know its early but this thread will come up in feb next year but I just looked at my timetable for '06 and there was 2 locations I didnt know, one I was able to locate on the map and the other remains a mystery.
Where is ICT-44 ?
you told me to post wheni finished, well i lossed ya jug sumwhere cant remembrewr. casey was heavy carryin him too his room and then he wanted yyto fight. dill was easier coz he still a little had bit of legs to get him home and he lives only on groun d floor unlike casey on top! sorry i lost ya...
Deans Merit List function is on the same night as Fluids :(:(:(
Free beer for short time vs Cheap beer for long time
stuck up academics vs Legend engineers
hors' derves vs BBQ
boring speeches vs "Here's to......"
no ointing vs ointing
phew unbelievable, i checked the BoM and they have a weather station at uni and todays max temp was twice the max temp of oct 13 last year and over 6 degrees over the highest recorded temp for oct 03. I had a test today and my arm kept sticking to the table, it is so hard to write in pencil when...
nuff said
will post more info when i get it
GO HOME PEOPLE OR DONT COME IN, well you can if you want i wont stop you :D
how do you calculate someting like this?
e^At where A is a 2x2 matrix like;
| 0 -30 |
| 0 1/15 |
thanks in advance
i wish it was
| e^0 e^-30 |
| |
| e^0 e^-1/15 | like i thought it was :(
Well my incomplete is still incomplete four weeks after the release date and the best we have gotten is unofficial marks in blackboard and we have been told mid september before we get official results.
How good is that? I means i dont get paid my scholarships until they realease them and i...
How are you all doing in Stuvac Hibernation Mode?
I thought it might be useful to post if you are unsure about any exam locations you might be faced with.
just a couple of tips:
-make sure you have your student card when you go
-take cash to receive discount
-if you go during the day make sure you have a lot of spare time
-if you are impatient go either at opening or closing
-make sure you know exactly what books you need so you can go...
I have holiday revision and there are a couple of problems i cannot do so any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
100 students participated in a survey of sports they are involved with. Of the 100 students, 34 play tennis, 23 play soccer and 31 play basketball. 12 play both...