Sorry, my bad.
What I meant to say was 'the projects might not get completed in my lifetime, but I hope the research created will allow someone to build what I initially envisaged.'
Of course it's ridiculous, but that's the point. The projects might not get completed in my lifetime, but I hope the research created will allow someone to build what I initially envisaged.
Besides, the ideal order of completion would be 1, 3, 2 in that order.
If the ANU could put its name and expertise behind major project(s), would students be willing to give their time and advice for free to help design solutions? Next year (assuming I get the transfer) I am going to start a BMedSci and have been working over some ideas during the time I was on...
Going on leave from uni does a lot of weird things to people. For one, it gives you enough time to walk away and assess your situation. After deciding to get a 'real' job, (sorry guys, the BA(Digital Arts) doesn't give me enough intelligence-cred, lol) a crazy idea popped into my head about...
I'd just like to mention that I have no prior experience in either chem or bio, so I would be starting right from the beginning. While the ANU offers a bridging course in chem, I'd like to be as prepared and confident during the first few weeks of my degree.
That said, I believe I am quick to...
After sitting in the BA(Digital) for first semester, getting yanked out and placed on leave due to an emergency at home, and thinking things through, I've decided to change my program to BMedSci.
Digital arts is fantastic if you're prepared to work it - spend extra time in the labs - and generally enjoy mingling with other people.
Portfolio? For a general gist, have a look on my deviantART. ( There's also examples from other first-years there listed in my...
Whoa, whoa. Slow down, I didn't intend to be flamed. There is SOME truth in my argument.
If not at KvB then perhaps another private institution? Think about where KvB is situated. It's a money-magnet and runs like a business!
Oh and FYI:
I bailed out of the BA(Digital) because the industry is...
Being faced with a similar situation myself in regards to private institutions that charge big bucks for their degrees, (or make you highly liable later on) I have this advice for you:
Institutions like KvB make their money from people that are looking for something to do, and don't have any...
I figured I should break my slience and announce:
I've got a 1 in 8 chance of winning a sponsored place at WWDC in California for a week in August. :D
*scurries away before Wini has the chance to say anything* - (and no, I don't care if you don't care!)
Attend lectures, complete assignment, work on the other 3 pending, do some readings, walk to the CNMA and spend 3-4 hours there before walking home in the dark at 2am to do it all again the following day.
Is uni really meant to be this easy? I'm not sure whether it's just the BA(Digital) or...
Well, at least Wini's not alone with the whole coughing-thing that seems to be sweeping its way around Canberra. I've got it too.
Talk about wanting to die. Ugh. That and being kept awake for all weird hours of the night.