finally the wenches return. sheesh, had me talkin' to myself for a while there
girly whilries: i am home on the 17th to 20th ... you MUST come out for st patty's drinkies!!!!!! also, trying to make dan have a party saturday night but may just end up being everyone being forced to go out again lol
oh my gosh, you guys should totally live on campus lol ... we had "random tuesday" last night and this club college is sponsered by opened just for us. best party for ages! then, of course, nothin' beats randomness of corridors.
come live on campus with me!!! stop living in smelly ol' newie
umm.... squee! lol
what i've learnt so far: run lola run is a great movie, chinatown is neverending and citizen kane is somewhere in between. it's boring constantly analysing art works but seeing their place in history is interesting. gender studies is for feminists and full of contradictory statements - note also that its entertainment value is heightened by how much bek and jules hate it. the body is a weird and wonderful thing and can often represent cities (english) also, it's gross seeing women holding their abdomens open and smiling.
other stuff i've learnt: noise most often comes from along the corridor, not the courtyard as i often suspect. college is a great place for meeting older students (duh). people form their own impressions of you when you're sick and in your room lots and its good fun breaking those impressions when you go out and get drunk. skyfire is better then NYE. you stop worrying about petrol when you never have to drive anywhere. no matter how hard you try, breakfast always finished half an hour after you wake up. staying up late reading never gets the job done, too many other distractions distract you in a distracty way. the organic food place has the best spinach and fetta rolls. IGAs are expensive and woolies is too far away lol
bleh! sorry, i'll shut up now