Search results

  1. 8

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    woah good work kujah me . . . i didnt do it . . . >.< chiken pox
  2. 8

    >>>>Text Books for Senior Study<<<<

    hi:) i am interested in buyin books 4 senior study. i noe sum skools provide dem, but i am interested in seein a list of recommended books by other students for the followin subjects so dat u can kinda learn independently from mafs ext1 biology chemistry business studies oh yeh, n from wat i...
  3. 8

    SC Marking/Results Process

    Re: How Does The Sc Marking Process Work? so does our skool assessment mark count towards anyfin cauz i hear sum teachers say yes n sum say no:confused:
  4. 8

    Physics or Biology

    hi i am a yr10 student and i have jus chosen my subjects and am interested in a career in either pharmarcy or medicine i originally wanted all 3 sciences, but now its jus between physics n biology, chemistry i noe is a prequisite for medicine so i will do it but out of physics n biology...
  5. 8

    trials .. ><

    so our school grades dont ave anyfin ta do wif da bands we get after da actual skool certificate test??
  6. 8

    trials .. ><

    well ive jus done my trials today i fink i may ave done bad in sum parts of da test does it count towards anyfin??
  7. 8

    Medicine in Uni

    i am prety confident wif my sciences n enjoy dem i got my subject selections fing da other day n seems lyk i cant do all sciences chemistry is clear, it does not conflict wif anyfin so i am certain i will do dat but bio n physics r in da same line. does it matter wat i do or can i jus toss...
  8. 8

    Medicine in Uni

    so is physics necessary ta do medicine in uni??
  9. 8

    Medicine in Uni

    HEY :) Say i was interested ta do sumtin dat is in the medical field chemistry n biology r definite electives but is physics necessary or is it beta ta do another subject such as a social science :confused:
  10. 8

    If u do more units does dat raise ur uai

    ive been hearin alot of stuff from ppl dat if we do more units, it is beta cauz it raises ur uai. is dat true????:confused:
  11. 8

    Subject choices for next year

    advanced english ext. 1 maths physics chemistry biology maybe software design, business studies, modern history or economics Career: Maybe medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or stuff ta do wif finance like actuary
  12. 8

    Subject selection help

    lol yeh im asian extension english eh? is dat any extra work to advanced english cauz im only doin it ta get a good uai. dont lyk english much i am finkin a career mayb in medicine or pharmacy lol mayb u guys r finkin i am crazy but it seems lyk i will b pickin extension 2 maths in yr 12 2
  13. 8

    Subject selection help

    hi:) :) :) i was wanderin if ppl can post comments on my electives and would like to hear others n der career choices advanced english advanced maths maths extension 1 physics chemistry biology still got 1 more unit to do. any suggestions????:confused: nd is physics dat hard as it...