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  1. xsavagex

    FML my sem 1 2011 timetable is a piece of shit thread

    Hehe.. Woo my timetable is now just Tuesdays 7-8.. :D
  2. xsavagex

    Student cards.

    This may be dodgy, but is it possible to enrol in 3 subjects, get the concession, and then drop the 3rd?
  3. xsavagex

    FML my sem 1 2011 timetable is a piece of shit thread

    Oh! and i forgot to post about my timetable. Got on at 11.30 something last night and registered fairly quickly. I only have 2 subjects left and i'm there monday 2-5 and tues 11-1 :D
  4. xsavagex

    FML my sem 1 2011 timetable is a piece of shit thread

    It's all good, everyone calm down! This has happened to me every semester i've been at Mac. Just make sure you register in the wednesday lecture, but just go to the other lecture on the day you can attend. Trust me, after the first week most marketing lecture attendees drop dramatically. The...
  5. xsavagex

    Walking out of lectures...

    I've found that it depends on the lecturer. I had one last year who would call out to you as you tried to leave and would question you on where you were going and why. His reasoning was that if you needed to leave early, don't bother going at all. I stopped going.
  6. xsavagex

    Results for semester 1/2010

    Thanks guys :) Made me feel better. It's just so disappointing when you expect better, but i'll try make my last 4 subjects my best :D Out of those i've only done 311. I found it okay, it was really interesting and I liked all the subjects but struggled with some of the ideas in it. I also...
  7. xsavagex

    Results for semester 1/2010

    Got into eStudent so easily at 12.01 Was great. Got such shit marks, I am SO disappointed. I got a P for everything MKTG311 (60) ACCG100 (63) BBA315 (58) BBA340 (63) I am really upset. I was sitting on a D for BBA340 before the exam, and a credit for BBA315 so i was feeling okay, and...
  8. xsavagex

    Applying for special consideration- is it worth it?

    Sorry to hear about your situation and I hope you can work out your special consideration and that they'll give it to you. Although I hope you were able to do the exam only because I was reading the policy for special consideration and it said family issues weren't grounds to get special...
  9. xsavagex

    Exam Timetable

    How's your draft exam timetable looking? Mines average... i have Weds June 9 - BBA 340 (i think its in afternoon) Fri June 11 - ACCG100 (in morning) & MKTG311 (in arvo) Fri June 18 - BBA 315
  10. xsavagex

    How stacked is your holiday?

    I have so much. 3 mid semester tests in first week, 2 assignments due then too. Then another 2 the following week :(
  11. xsavagex

    Old library building?

    I wish they'd convert it into a study space, solely for studying! So those who need the library for the library resources can use the new library, and those who just want to print stuff and study can use the old library. Add heaps more desks and chairs where all the books are.
  12. xsavagex

    Bookstore Line

    I buy mine online. So easy and delivered in maybe 3 - 5 days.
  13. xsavagex

    Orientation Day

    Usually they try put you in a group with othe rpeople doing your course so it's possible they will be in some of your lectures, so at least you'll kind of know someone in your lectures if you do go
  14. xsavagex

    So who is joining me for B' Commerce at MACQ?

    Haha fair enough. If i hear your accent i will say hi :D
  15. xsavagex

    So who is joining me for B' Commerce at MACQ?

    If your doing B Commerce + majoring in marketing then i may be your mentor on orientation day :D
  16. xsavagex

    No day lecture

    I prefer night classes :| Hopefully you can ilecture it
  17. xsavagex

    Units 2010

    Noooo i didn't get the tute that i have to have. Now i'm all overlapping all over the place and i already had a crap day 11am - 9pm on mondays... Argh i really need to swap with someone in my MKTG311 tute :(
  18. xsavagex

    Units 2010

    ^ooh that does suck. Yeah my timetable is pretty bad too already,and i'm really screwed if i don't get these 2 specific tutes that i HAVE to have. argh
  19. xsavagex

    Units 2010

    I'm in student portal aswell. Been waiting about 20 minutes. I'm hoping everyone just gives up soon and then i can get on!
  20. xsavagex

    Units 2010

    I want to go to beddd but i won't sleep if i'm worried about getting the classes i need.