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  1. R

    Who's going to miss IPT?

    I miss it, lol.
  2. R

    ABCs at UOW ?

    Ahahah, lol. Well my problem is that the Internationals are Mandarin and i am Cantonese so we don't mix very well.
  3. R

    ABCs at UOW ?

    UOW culture is Australia or Hectic Asian, there's not too much in between like ABC.
  4. R

    ABCs at UOW ?

    Hhaahhaha, well I am almost done, too late to exchange, just to soak in some Chinese culture I think >.<
  5. R

    ABCs at UOW ?

    Yup :D
  6. R

    ABCs at UOW ?

    I have not seen many ABCs in UOW. Its a very different image to what I imagined, I thought there would be more Sydney ABCs coming down. Anyone here an ABC going to UOW? My Cantonese is rusty, haven't used it, well almost ever, lol, I went to a mostly west high school.
  7. R

    iPhone or not?

    Most of our customers have told me the battery life sucks but overall they're fine except for a few of their slide phones like the G800, they have a dodgy designed video connection and break over wear and tear of about 2 years average use or even less if you always use it on a daily basis. In my...
  8. R

    iPhone or not?

    My friend does IT and has the Nokia n85, so it must be a good phone his really phone savvy. I am not sure though cause both Nokia and iPhones are Made In China but to what i know being a salesman, the iPod is either designed crap or has quality control issues in China as I've had a customer...
  9. R

    Scariest Game u've ever played?

    I am not too into horror games, I find I don't react good with them heart wise. So I will have to sadly say NFS with damage ON.
  10. R

    Buying text books for uni!!

    Thanks for the advice, but wouldn't you sell your programming textbooks when your done with them at a good price and get the latest programming textbook when you need it on the job cause you'll prob be using the newest programming environment.
  11. R

    Good Luck with studies :)

    Good Luck with studies :)
  12. R

    First Year Student Help

    Thank you all for the help and info. Well expect for the "This person is too stupid to be at university." (despite agreeing with it) For you it may be just answering questions that may be obvious or on the UOW website but for me you have helped me drop some stress, I have been losing sleep...
  13. R

    First Year Student Help

    Hi, I think the Uni is still on hols so they didn't really reply to my e-mails. I am having inertial troubles with changing environments to Uni life. I am doing B of I.T. major in Network Design and Mangement. My questions are: What is with electives? I enrolled but i think only for the...
  14. R

    Share Asian Music Thread.

    I like most of the Hong Kong music. Anyone like the new TVB singers?
  15. R

    Kung Fu Hustle

    Loved that movie, not a very serious movie yes but it has so much of our Chinese culture and so funny, really worth watching, the movies is funnier in Cantonese compared to the English subs.
  16. R

    Chinese girls the hottest outa all asians?

    I am a Chinese guy so my opinion is very biased, lol. But i think there are hot girls from all sorts of races. BUT i have to say 100% Chinese have the most hottest girls, why? we have a wipeout population :D Boo Yeah!
  17. R

    Is Japanese originate from chinese?....

    I believe so to what i have heard, maybe the Japanese are Chinese mixed with something else? But i agree the language is very simular if not 100% the same.
  18. R

    Who was born in australia?

    I was born in Australia, I can speak Cantonese but can't write any Chinese at all. Most of my Cantonese comes from watching Television from Hong Kong lol, i can only read things like human, one, big and thats about all. :D My first post ever on this board! I also listen to Cantonese music and...