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  1. metal moses

    2 unit problem

    hey im doing the hsc this year and am doing 2 unit. in class i can do the work but as soon as i sit own to do a test i cant remember shit... throughout yr 11 the majority of my marks were a bit below 50 %.... im planning to go to uni.. my teachers say that if i want to increase my UAI ill...
  2. metal moses

    general effective studying techniques

    hey doing my hsc this year and would really like some advise on some actual GOOD studying techniques to get me through, thought i better buckle down n start gettin serious this year lol. cheers
  3. metal moses

    tool- lateralus as supp text

    hey, doin imaginitive journeys as AOS and was thinking of using the TOOL song LATERALUS as a supp. text Black then white are all I see in my infancy Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, let's me see As below, so above and beyond, I imagine Drawn beyond the lines of...
  4. metal moses

    major project/visual basic

    for our major project we have to make an educational program in visual basic. my first thought was to create a quiz type game to test people on their maths (i know its boring but i thought while making it it would help me learn formulas and shit for 2-unit ). im not to sure about how to do it...
  5. metal moses

    AOS: imaginitive journeys

    hey peoples, im doin yr 12 this year and doing imaginitive journeys. I dont really have a full understanding of the whole imaginitive journey idea, and our teacher aint helping one bit. Also, our text is ENDER'S GAME and we need to find 5 texts and relate them to it... and ideas for texts and...