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  1. G

    Love Problem... :(

    share the acid share it around =]
  2. G

    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: Pressure From Parents woooo someone has to take a chill pill
  3. G

    how will mr rudd fuck up schoolies?

    yeah people will drink regardless of what he says ...
  4. G

    Favourite airline?

    Qantas all the way =] :D
  5. G

    Home and Away

    yeah so sad =[ i can't wait till sam leaves the show
  6. G

    Home and Away

    there is so many people leaving the show i don't think he does come back
  7. G

    Home and Away

    cassie is leaving the show so she doesn't come back ethier
  8. G

    Home and Away

    he died trying to saving one of his students
  9. G

    What was the first CD you bought?

    i think the first one i brought was the spice girls :D
  10. G

    Year 12 Jerseys

    sounds great :D can't wait they are goin to be great
  11. G

    Year 12 Jerseys

    yeah i don't want it to fade=[ hopefully it doesn't can't wait to get them :D
  12. G

    Year 12 Jerseys

    i think everyone wanted to different colours but we had to agree on something and what we came up with is GREAT =] can't wait till there here
  13. G

    Year 12 Jerseys

    Can't wait till we get our tickys =] they will be madd
  14. G

    Driving Age to change to 18

    this is a stupid idea it takes long enough to get your license at the moment ...
  15. G

    subject selection regrets..

    i wouldn't of picked maths
  16. G


    well im sorry you never know they might like reading this because they will see that they are meant to teach and stay in the classrom not walk out!!!
  17. G


    its not like we are saying there names or anything and they don't know who we are
  18. G


    Re: Idiotic teachers Last year for english we had 4 different teachers for english The first to our classes were joined (advanced and standard) but then one she . went crazy and left .the other one always talked about her amearcian students and then she left to go back to amearica .3rd on...
  19. G


    Re: Has Your Maths Teacher ever walked out on you ? she threated to give us a N award if we don't do our homework 3 times in a row she is crazy....